Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds – Room 2

If you’re reading this expecting a detailed in depth review of Kid Congo Powers at Room 2, you should probably exit. This isn’t so much a review as the rambling thoughts of an aging music fan with social anxiety issues.

On the way to the gig I posted a throwaway comment on Facebook, (mis)quoting Bill Shankly, “Some people believe music is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.”

That statement, no matter how throwaway it seemed when I posted it, translated in a way I couldn’t have imagined as I headed into Room 2.… Read the rest

Fur Dixon live

Fur Dixon live – Edinburgh Opium. WTFukushima

32 year wait…

Saturday night saw the culmination of a 32 year wait. Well to be fair I haven’t been sitting in a darkened room since 1986 waiting for this gig. However, since the tour of the UK and Spain was announced & I had the opportunity to interview her and review her debut solo album under the Fur Dixon (WTFukushima) banner for Louder Than War, I have been excited about the opportunity to see her live and in person.

Having seen her posts on social media since the gigs kicked off in London on Thursday in the Moth Club, the anticipation had been growing.… Read the rest