Albums of the Year 2023

Before I list my favourite “Albums of the Year 2023”, an apology.

I have been inundated this year with new music, new albums, requests for reviews and features. First, I’m happy that there is so much great music out there and that I’m party to being able to hear and share that new music, but secondly, a huge apology to many bands and artists whose music I’ve loved and planned to review/feature but it hasn’t happened. I’d love nothing more than to spend my life listening to and writing about music (and the book I keep meaning to finish), but that doesn’t pay the bills.… Read the rest

The Bucky Rage – Living in a Cult – album review

Do you ever get the rage? Do you need a release for your pent-up frustrations? Then maybe it’s time you did something about it, and what better time than now to try Living in a Cult with The Bucky Rage.

If you’ve ever seen the band live, you’ll know they’ve got a reputation for anarchic chaos, taking to the stage in their luchador mascaras, with a resultant frenzied melee that leaves you in a state of confused bewilderment and elation, wondering just what it was that hit you. Pretty much the effect Living in a Cult will have on you too.… Read the rest