Speed of Life
After 2 successful and well received shows in Edinburgh and Irvine, Richard Jobson & Martin Metcalfe take this unusual and enthralling performance on tour across the UK over 6 dates.
This project isn’t be the first time the multi-faceted Jobson and Metcalfe have worked together. Jobson has previously provided the vocal for Isa & the Filthy Tongues track Bus Shelter and more recently the pair collaborated on a number of songs on the Skids recent comeback album “Burning Cities.” I’m sure this collaboration won’t be the last.
Green and Blue
The dates will be a combination of spoken word, music, songs and a Q&A
Jobson will read excerpts from his acclaimed new sci-fi novel “Speed of Life”, its name taken from the instrumental track of the same name on Bowies “Low” album.… Read the rest