Singles of the Year 2023

I have no idea how John Peel narrowed songs down to a Festive 50 every year, he must have received 1000 times the number of songs I receive on a yearly basis. Maybe if I did a Singles of the Year 2023 blog again tomorrow or the next day, things would change slightly as I think of another song that needs to be included, as in the singles round-ups (links to all the round ups of the year at the foot of the blog) I must have listed between 400 and 500 songs this year, another bumper year for new music.… Read the rest

Ruby Gaines Heavy Good EP cover

Ruby Gaines – Heavy Good – EP review

Late Summer/early Autumn has been a great time for new singles/EPs from Scottish based acts. Heavy Good from Ruby Gaines has been out for a couple of weeks now, the four tracks on this exceptional release getting better with every listen, and more than living up to the weighty moniker they have been given. Heavy Good … or as I’m sure George Orwell would agree if he was alive today doubleplus Heavy Good.

Ruby Gaines is a name that should be shouted from the rooftops, her vocal range is astounding, a fact that didn’t escape me when I first saw her live earlier this year, having somehow escaped my radar until then.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Pt 7 – July & August

Doubling up for this massive round-up, the last couple of months have disappeared in a flash… Loads of great new music from these summer months. As usual, where available, I’ve added the songs to an evil Spotify playlist for you to sample before you buy… support the artists by buying their music, and merchandise, if you like what you hear.

In no particular order, but kicking off here with the new single from the duo who have given me one of my most unique and unusual gig memories of the year, well, to be fair, probably my life…

The Courettes – Tough Like That

Returning to these shores for the second time this year, The Courettes are currently taking a break from recording their new album with a tour of England, and released a video for their Back in Mono B-Sides and Outtakes track, Tough Like That.… Read the rest

Carla J Easton – The Hug and Pint (with Ruby Gaines & Kohla) & Brontes (George Square)

The Hug and Pint Endless Summer gig season is in full swing and what better way for me to go to my first of several nights in August than to see Carla J Easton play a selection of songs from her upcoming album Sugar Honey.

Before Carla we were treated to two very different, but equally impressive sets from Kohla and Ruby Gaines (as a massive Prince fan I keep wanting to type Rosie!). 

Kohla’s album Romance is due to be released soon with an album launch gig in Sneaky Petes, The Hug and Pint served as a perfect warm up for her.… Read the rest