Sunstinger She Stole My Sky

Sunstinger – She Stole My Sky – single review

She Stole My Sky

From the penetrating opening guitar cacophony I was captured by She Stole My Sky, a sound that brought back memories of the peak of shoegaze in the 90’s.

As the track progressed Sunstinger’s intense shoegaze leanings gave way to a sound akin to indie darlings The Twilight Sad, with a hint of psychedelia and a vocal that occasionally tips its hat to a delivery consonant to several Mancunian/Liverpudlian luminaries.

An all pervading sound and a song I will definitely be revisiting time and again.

Story behind the song…

When you listen to the lyrics, it becomes apparent that the lush piercing music soundscape tells a stark story.… Read the rest


Developing Resilience

I haven’t written directly about mental health unrelated to music for a while. It isn’t that this is something that is no longer important to me, or something that I’ve forgotten about. On the contrary, forgetting is not an option. In fact this blog is about just how much mental health has been to the fore in my mind and the way I deal with it has been put in the spotlight in recent weeks.

Dealing daily with your Mental Health

When you are someone who lives with anxiety and depression, every day brings its challenges. Every day. There is no end as such, there is no miracle cure.… Read the rest

Accept Yourself

Accept Yourself

“When will you accept yourself?” (Morrissey, The Smiths, 1983)

Despite what the start of this blog looks like, this isn’t a music post. It doesn’t actually have anything to do with the Smiths or Morrissey per se, but everything to do with that lyric. It says a lot to me about my life.

I’ve had a number of conversations recently that has brought this to mind and I took that as an opportunity to post this blog.

 Talk about your Mental Health

At work I have recently joined a team of Mental Health and Wellbeing Champions with a remit of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace.… Read the rest

Time to talk day 2018

Time to Talk Day 2018 – Mental Health Awareness

Time to Talk Day 2018

This coming week heralds a new month. Where has January gone? And on February 1st it is “Time to Talk Day 2018”. The aim of this day is to get people talking about mental health issues and reduce the taboo. To make it easy for people to ask for help when they need it without feeling as if they will be judged.

No matter who you are, where you are, what you do, what age you are, we all have mental health. Like our physical health we all have the potential to suffer from poor health from time to time.… Read the rest

Price of Progress

The Price of Progress?

The Price of Progress?

I was listening to a news story on the radio the other day about technology, specifically around the music industry.

Spotify logoIt was on the back of publication Spotify executive’s salaries and the way we access music in the 21st Century. The general gist of the story was that the Apple store will probably disappear in the next 5 years as people won’t own the music but stream only. It all smacks to me that the changes are for those high up in Apple and Spotify and less to do with the artists or giving the public what they “want”.… Read the rest

Writing as Therapy

CBT (Cognitive behavioural Therapy)

I recently completed 12 weeks of CBT. Some of the sessions were exceedingly difficult. I would even go as far as to say the initial sessions made me feel worse. It was a number of sessions in before I started beginning to feel positive.

I know now this was to be expected as my counsellor spent time unearthing my core beliefs to enable me to work on the correct solutions. These solutions are what are ultimately allowing me to manage my anxiety and depression. It was not however an easy trip to get there and accepting my core beliefs wasn’t something I readily did.… Read the rest

Sinead O’Connor

Its tragic to see what has happened to Sinead O’Connor over the last few years with her obvious struggles with mental health. It is not for me, or anyone else, to discuss the whys and wherefores about what her issues are. So I have been disgusted at some of the comments directed towards her on social media today.

I understand that she divides opinion due to her being an outspoken individual. Over the years she has rubbed people up the wrong way with her opinions and actions. But the woman is obviously suffering and for people to criticize her for what she has done in posting a video about how she is feeling in which she is visibly upset and obviously needs help is disgusting.… Read the rest