Broken Chanter

Broken Chanter – Catastrophe Hits – album review

Another Last Night From Glasgow album launch gig beckons this Friday in Glasgow’s CCA, this time around it is Broken Chanter peddling their wares ably supported by label mates wotjek the bear who released their latest album, heaven by the back door, earlier in 2021. The gig is to promote Broken Chanter’s superb new album, Catastrophe Hits, which came out on all the usual streaming platforms and to download the other week, with vinyl to follow (the current world shortage of vinyl delaying releases…)

Is the new album any good or is it a catastrophe? Of course it’s not a catastrophe, but a selection of ten epic new songs demonstrating David’s knack for writing lyrics that can be thought provoking, sentimentally touching and humorous within one song, Add to that immense tunes, driving beats and melodies that soar, filling the air with captivating harmonies.… Read the rest

Lola in Slacks live

Lola in Slacks – Moon Moth album launch

Saturday 23rd October finally arrived. The date for the launch gig for the wonderful album Moon Moth from the alluring five piece that is Lola in Slacks (album review here). It was a busy night for gigs in Glasgow, a most welcome sign given the last 2 years, with the likes of Billy Bragg, Mickey 9s, Calva Louise, The Last Great Dreamers and Powderkeg, amongst others, competing for the ears of the discerning music fans of Glasgow. On any other given day, I could have been at any one of these gigs, but tonight, there was only one gig for me.… Read the rest

Lola in Slacks Moon Moth

Lola in Slacks – Moon Moth – album review

It seems somehow appropriate that I am sitting writing this review just gone midnight, with everyone in the house asleep bar me. The music of Lola in Slacks is ideally suited to late night listening. I feel something is missing though. Ideally, I should be in some sophisticated smoky wine bar in Paris, brushing shoulders with poets, artists, authors and musicians and other such classy and stylish bohemians. I guess late night in Glasgow’s South Side with only cats as company and a wee bourbon and coke as refreshment will do for now. Until this incoming Saturday that is…

If, like me, you have been waiting with barely contained excitement in anticipation of Moon Moth, you won’t be disappointed.… Read the rest

The First Big Weekend…

My return to live music kicked off in style last weekend with Hugh Reed & the Velvet Underpants in the Bungalow Bar in Paisley. This weekend was what you could call the First Big Weekend (copyright: Arab Strap) of my 2021 gig calendar with not two but three consecutive nights of live music. Bring it on. (Not sure if I should be apologising to my family or whether they were just glad to see the back of me for three nights…)

I’m not going to deny, it wasn’t without some trepidation that I was returning to gigs, and not just due to COVID and everything that goes along with that, but also the being around people in general, and social anxiety aspect of it all.… Read the rest

Weve Met Before Havent We Deer Leader album cover

Deer Leader – We’ve Met Before… Haven’t We? – album review

I’ve only just regained control of my emotions after the stunning Sister John album, then Last Night From Glasgow only go and do it again…

I have to say, this is one of my most hotly anticipated releases of the year having been blown away by each one of the series of singles that preceded its release.

I’m There Right Now

To be honest, this album hasn’t lived up to its promise. It has smashed it. Exceeding my expectations in more ways than I could ever have hoped or imagined. I’m actually apprehensive about reviewing this as I’m not sure I can find the words to do it justice.… Read the rest

Sister John I Am By Day

Sister John – I Am By Day – album review

Sister John’s third long payer, I Am By Day, finally got it’s official release last week on Last Night From Glasgow after what feel’s like a lifetime’s anticipation. The follow up to Returned from Sea and their eponymous second album was absolutely worth the wait. I’m not sure there are enough superlatives in the English language to describe how listening to this record makes me feel.

For the uninitiated, first I need to say, what’s taken you so long? But, by way of trying to give an indication of what to expect, try to imagine if some of the members of Fleetwood Mac had decided to join forces with The Velvet Underground and created their own blend of divine avant-garde folky Americana and you’re partly there.… Read the rest

Hadda Be Another Life

Hadda Be – Another Life – album review

If you’ve ever read any of my blog posts, you’ll probably be fed up with the very mention of Last Night From Glasgow, but I make no apologies for the repetition. The fact is, those in charge of quality control at the heart of LNFG have got their heads screwed on and are totally in tune with quality sounds.

Case in point is the debut album, Another Life, from the band formerly known as Foundlings, Hadda Be.

Gloriously Joyous Riffing

If you’ve been fortunate to hear the recent singles, the albums title track and the more recent Wait in the Dark, you’ll know exactly what I mean.… Read the rest

The Gracious Losers Six Road Ends

The Gracious Losers – Six Road Ends – album review

Continuing in their quest to cause me marital grief due to the ever increasing number of vinyl arrivals, Last Night From Glasgow released the latest album from The Gracious Losers last week.

This supremely talented collective have come together once again to create a sublime soundtrack to my various trips around Scotland for work this week. 

Last Night From Glasgow Patreon

Taking these soul soothing tunes with me reminds me to mention that, if vinyl isn’t your thing, and I’m not judging, you can join in the party with a monthly subscription that allows you to access all the labels releases in digital format.… Read the rest

Nicol & Elliott The Storm EP

Nicol & Elliott – The Storm EP

The second EP from the wonderful Nicol & Elliott hit all good streaming platforms on Friday at midnight.

A fitting time, the midnight hour. The black of night, but the start of a new day with all the possibilities that may bring, full of opportunity or dripping in an uneasy uncertainty…

This EP features two of the duo’s (and their band) singles from last year. The EPs title track along with the brooding and sensitive portrayal of abusive relationships that is Dragging Me Down.

If you’ve heard these singles, you’ll not be disappointed with the songs they are joined with on this EP.… Read the rest

Last Night From Glasgow – A success story for 2020

My love for certain record labels is well documented with NYC based, while retaining its Scottish roots, Tarbeach Records up there amongst my favourites. A fact that is ably demonstrated by the inclusion of The Cundeez Teckle and Hide and New York Junk‘s Dreaming (shortly to be available for ordering on red vinyl) amongst my favourite albums of the year.

It is probably the only record label that I can say, hand on heart, that I own every pone of their releases. Here’s to another successful year in 2021 from Tarbeach.

Last Night From Glasgow…

This year though, one record label stands out amongst the others.… Read the rest