Bubblegum Lemonade Desperately Seeking Sunshine

Bubblegum Lemonade – Desperately Seeking Sunshine – album review

Having made mention of The Martial Arts on a recent blog and Paul Kelly’s welcome return with 4 glorious tracks on the I Use to be… EP, it would be remiss of me not to feature another stalwart of the Scottish indie-pop scene.

Bubblegum Lemonade

So, here’s to the multi-talented Laz McCluskey of Bubblegum Lemonade fame. It has now been several months since the band’s latest album Desperately Seeking Sunshine landed, but on the evidence of the 12 sun-kissed tracks on offer here, you don’t have too far to look. And thankfully the cantankerous Madonna is nowhere to be seen.

Laz has hit a fruitful vein of creativity on this, his latest release in a long line on the Matinee Recordings label.… Read the rest