Albums of the Year 2023

Before I list my favourite “Albums of the Year 2023”, an apology.

I have been inundated this year with new music, new albums, requests for reviews and features. First, I’m happy that there is so much great music out there and that I’m party to being able to hear and share that new music, but secondly, a huge apology to many bands and artists whose music I’ve loved and planned to review/feature but it hasn’t happened. I’d love nothing more than to spend my life listening to and writing about music (and the book I keep meaning to finish), but that doesn’t pay the bills.… Read the rest

Bela and the Lugosis – Blinding Red Sunglow – album review

Are you a fan of goth? Do you have a penchant for glam? Do you have a dark soul but an extravagant showy side? Do you still mourn the loss of Bowie and Bolan? Are you coming to terms with the Bauhaus boys finally calling it a day and hanging up their black clothes and guyliner? 

Fear not, on their second album, Bela and the Lugosis are here to fill the void, providing the sounds to satiate that niche goth/glam yearning… This is the band Bowie and Co. may have become if he hadn’t broken up the band, if the Spiders had fallen to Earth and joined forces with the spider-man who was having Robert Smith for dinner.  … Read the rest

September round up

Singles Round Up Part 9 – September 2022

two thirds of the way through the year and time for another round up of the best singles, demos, live tracks and general goodness that has come my way by hook or by crook throughout the month of September.

bis – Lucky Night

It’s your lucky day, bis returned in September with their new single Lucky Night, a song packed with bis goodness and accompanied by an engrossing CGI video packed with clones of the bis threesome. The upbeat electropop anthem bemoaning dodgy nightclub chat up lines “a boy walked up to me…” It’s bis, what’s not to love?


The Nightingales – Bloody Breath

From their new album The Last Laugh is this slice of Nightingales brilliance, layering addictive driving rhythms starting with an incessant piano riff before adding throbbing bass and adding instrument after instrument to create an insanely hypnotic melee, all topped off with Robert Lloyd’s distinctive low, almost menacing brogue and you have sheer perfection.… Read the rest

Bela and the Lugosis Vampire Kiss

Bela and the Lugosis – Vampire Kiss – album review

Before you press play on any of these songs, I imagine you will have some idea of the style of music, Bela and the Lugosis – Vampire Kiss, screams 70s disco crossed with grime doesn’t it? I jest of course. If you are yearning for the days you wore only back, came out only in the hours of darkness with your pale complexion, eyeliner (or guyliner!) and black nail varnish, this album will have you re-living nights in the Tech. Actually, if that is still how you roll, this album is for you.

Of course, the band name recalls the gothest of all goth bands (cue debate from all the ”real” goths out there), the mighty Bauhaus.… Read the rest