Morrissey – Spent the Day in Bed

I was wishing I had taken Mr Steven Patrick Morrissey’s advice and “Spent the Day in Bed” when I was listening in to Radio 2 for the world’s first play of his new single. I was sitting in my car on the M8 going absolutely nowhere….

Morrissey joined twitter yesterday with his cryptic first tweet being the title of the single. I must admit to be slightly concerned about Moz on twitter. He often opens his mouth and spouts a lot of mince these days. And look what Trump gets up to on Twitter….

Anyway, back to the song and thankfully, I wasn’t disappointed.

When the jaunty organ intro began I was intrigued, then Morrissey’s familiar dulcet tones kicked it. The song advocates that we “Stop watching the news, because the news contrives to frighten you”. How true and how Morrissey. The tune is upbeat with the organ refrain continuing throughout, and Morrissey adding devil-may-care vocal delivery, but with his familiar morbid humour “life ends in death, so there’s nothing wrong with being good to yourself.” 3 minutes 30 seconds later and I was happy and looking forward to the album.

If there is a minor irritation for me it is the pronunciation of news as “nooz” from the archetypal Englishman. Though if I think about it, this may well be fully intentional.

As the song fades out with the “no bus, no boss, no rain, no train”  refrain and “no highway, freeway, no motorway” I think to myself “I wish……..”

low in High School

Next up for Morrissey fans – 2nd October on BBC6 Music, performing tracks from upcoming album “Low in High School” due for release on 17th November (plenty of special edition pre-orders available).

October also sees the re-release (repackaged and reissued, extra tracks – in the box set, yes, but I’m not sure about the tacky badge…..) of the Queen is Dead. I expect I shall be sharing my thoughts on this and the new Morrissey offering at some point.