Diablofurs – Dream Skies – single review

Diablofurs Dream Skies

In my opinion one of the most overlooked bands of the late 80s/early 90s was Birdland who burst on the scene with their suicide blonde peroxide locks burning briefly but brightly and vigorously with their firebrand energetic shock of punk rock.

Fast forward to now and whatever you do, don’t let Birdland frontman Rob and the rest of his Diablofurs motley crew slip away from you. For those of you who have been unfortunate to miss out so far, or maybe you could just call yourselves lucky that you now get a chance to discover one of your new favourite bands. Diablofurs are an entirely different prospect Rob and his earlier bunch of reprobates, while no less vibrant or energetic, they are perhaps more colourful and eclectic and maybe a wee bit less angry. Less angry but still with a furious brightly burning energy.

Diablofurs bring the sunshine. Always. More a doting gang of amigos than just a band Rob, Suze, Danii, Becks and Kay’s unique brand of vivacious and upbeat electro punk/pop never fails ignites the soul. Listening to the effervescent charm and optimistic vitality of Dream Skies could bring light to the darkest of winter days as the five come together in perfectly addictive harmony to create a song whose electronic beats will stay with you throughout the long winter nights and have you staring into the starlit dream skies as they shine a light into the future signalling longer brighter days ahead.

Diablofurs Dream Skies

In a good news/bad news story, the great news for Diablofurs is that unfortunately for you the first limited edition run of coloured vinyl of the Dream Skies single available via Rough Trade is now SOLD OUT. Well, if you’re not fast, you’re last… They look fucking amazing too. Not that I’m gloating or anything. The good news is Rough Trade are getting more in, and Punk Fox are supplying more….

But don’t worry, in the meantime, comfort yourself in the fact that even if you didn’t manage to get your grubby mitts on a physical copy of the first run of the single, you can still watch the video, and listen to the glorious single. Make it your anthem to better days and spread the word far and wide.

Diablofurs – FacebookBandcampPunk FoxRough Trade link

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