Ghost in the Tanglewood

Ginger Wildheart – Ghost in the Tanglewood – album review

Ginger Wildheart

It took me a while to finally get round to picking up a copy of Ginger Wildheart’s latest album. Historically I have this image of Country & Western music being depressing and this generally draws me away from it. I don’t know why that has been the case, perhaps it is a perception I have built over the years through mis-representation and falsehoods. Maybe similar to strange beliefs some people have about mental health based on mis-conceptions and false perceptions.

With Ginger having had some public battles with his own mental health over the years, I wondered how this would play out.… Read the rest

The Dark Side of Christmas

The Dark Side of Christmas

At this time of year, we tend to get caught up in our own bubble. While Christmas is a time of joy and happiness for many, it is also a struggle in countless ways for too many others.

In recent weeks, I have seen a lot of posts on social media promoting things like “Sleep in the Park” and “Social Bite” to support rough sleepers and those without a permanent address. It is great that so many are supporting others. Where is the government?

Rough Sleepers

However, I have also seen some appalling & callous comments on Facebook from people who have no sympathy for rough sleepers: “I have no sympathy”, “give them a shovel” and “it is their choice”.… Read the rest

Ginger Wildheart

Ginger Wildheart is another artist who has a history of mental illness. His latest episode has led to arrest, attempted suicide and his being sectioned.

Ginger has an amazing wealth of talent and a tremendous back catalogue. I hope he gets the support he needs to get through his latest setback and continue to add to this. I don’t want to wake up to the news of another Chris Cornell or Chester Bennington this year.

Its an old record I keep playing, but I’ll say it again, mental illness, anxiety, depression – they don’t discriminate. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do.… Read the rest