The Laurettes Witches single

The Laurettes – Interview & Witches single review

It must be something in the name. Dynamic duo The Courettes are often labelled as the hardest working band in the world. But, there is a band closer to home along the Clyde Coast that are certainly giving them a run for their money, and another band built around a hard-working, forever gigging duo, this time friends Lauren and Lynette, aka The Laurettes.

The Laurettes are a band who, despite being on the go for some time, I only came across for the first time when they supported The Hedrons at their comeback gig in Glasgow’s SWG3 in October of last year.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 6 – June

June singles round up featuring some of the best new music around including joint “Singles of the Month” by the mighty Water Machine, Brenda, Bin Juice and KEELEY

I’m afraid time is not currently my friend, so like the May round up…. only just published in July…. There are no write ups of the songs featured.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t listened to all of them. After all, none of them would be here if I didn’t love them all …

Hopefully my time management will improve and normal service will be resumed in July

Water Machine – Water Machine Pt.

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Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 4 – April

Four months into 2023 and the new music keeps coming thick and fast, so much to listen to, so much to love. As usual, there is the evil Spotify playlist at the end, try then buy….

Lambrini Girls – Lads, Lads, Lads

Ahead of the release of their EP, You’re Welcome, comes single number three from feisty punks Lambrini Girls, this time tackling the subject of lad culture and toxic masculinity with great gusto, venting their spleen with impassioned fury. Be sure to catch them when they play The Hug and Pint in June, and if you’re going south for Iggy’s Dog Day Afternoon, get their early to see them.… Read the rest

Syvdoh Gentlemen

Syvdoh – Gentlemen – album review

Two of my favourite albums of recent years have artwork featuring images of, or in, The Laurieston. The debut album from Album Club featured a shot of the outside of the legendary institution, while the latest album from Syvdoh, Gentlemen, features an image of the door of… well I’m sure you can guess.

Syvdoh’s new album is, as I would have come to expect, a work of utter genius, both musically and lyrically. For the unacquainted, I believe when I reviewed their last album, Death 1 Syvdoh 0, I described it along the lines of “death shouldn’t be this enjoyable”, a tag which could also sit well with Gentlemen.… Read the rest

Review of the Year – 2022

If I don’t get my arse in gear, it’ll be February before I publish my round up of 2022. To be honest, I’ve still got a (virtual) pile of albums still to review… as a result, some of my favourite records of 2022 will be in the lists but remain unreviewed!

Singles of the Year

I already published my top 15 singles of the year (well actually I published a list of 80 songs…. but my top 15 were as follows:

  • 15 – Dumb Poets – Magic Happens
  • 14 – Dream Wife – Leech
  • 13 – Syvdoh – As I Lay Dying
  • 12 – The Bobby Lees – Monkey Mind
  • 11 – Collars – Baby I’m Bored
  • 10 – Keeley – Shadows on the Hill
  • 9 – His Lordship – All Cranked Up
  • 8 – Brontes – First Hand Arrogance
  • 7 – Jemma Freeman and the Cosmic Something Easy Peelers
  • 6 – Sacred Noise – Part of Me
  • 5 – Junk Pups – Miss Behave
  • 4 – Horsegirl – Anti Glory
  • 3 – Pizza Crunch – Wilting Youth
  • 2 – Water Machine – Hot Real Estate
  • 1 – Monica Queen – What is Home?
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Annie Booth Lazybody

The Ones That Got Away… Annie Booth – Lazybody – album review

I did include this album in my top 25 of the year, but hadn’t got around to reviewing it at that point. Since then I have pretty much listened to the album on almost a daily basis. If I were to be doing my end of year blog now, I would have to say that Lazybody would be in my top five favourite albums of the year. Note to self, wait until it is actually the end of the year before revealing any lists…

I Don’t Mind…Until I Mind

There is a certain stunning unique quality to Annie’s vocal that always manages to hit that sweet spot somewhere between joyous, comforting and an air of melancholy.… Read the rest

A Damaged Christmas Gift For You

A Damaged Christmas Gift For You – Review

There are several Christmas albums that I would consider essential listening for this time of year. The 2000 compilation Its a Cool Cool Christmas for one, with a host of quality songs from the likes of Eels, El Vez, Drugstore no a personal family favourite, Christmas Boogaloo by Big Boss Man. Christmas by Low, whose Just Like Christmas appears on the aforementioned compilation, is another must listen at Christmas, while a modern classic, Ghost Stories fro Christmas (Aidan Moffat and RM Hubert) jumped straight into my all time favourite Christmas albums list on its release a few years ago.

Of course, one of the all time classics is A Christmas Gift for You, featuring the famous wall of sound in contributions from Darlene Love, The Ronettes, Bob B Soxx and the Blue Jeans and The Crystals.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2021 Pt 8

Singles Round Up 2021 – Pt 8

This is a singles round up of mammoth proportions. I spent some time scrolling through the wealth of e-mails I received over the last few months, and other singles I’ve been particularly enjoying. 2021 has been a treasure trove of new music across so many genres. Even though this is my biggest singles round up of the year so far, it still only scratches the surface of what is going on just now…

…and then there are all the albums, just recently, over and above the ones I’ve already featured/reviewed I’ve been enjoying the new albums from The Media Whores, monsterpop, The Hurricanes, Jackal Trades, Mickey 9s, Jeshua and The Strays to name but a few.… Read the rest

Sister John I Am By Day

Sister John – I Am By Day – album review

Sister John’s third long payer, I Am By Day, finally got it’s official release last week on Last Night From Glasgow after what feel’s like a lifetime’s anticipation. The follow up to Returned from Sea and their eponymous second album was absolutely worth the wait. I’m not sure there are enough superlatives in the English language to describe how listening to this record makes me feel.

For the uninitiated, first I need to say, what’s taken you so long? But, by way of trying to give an indication of what to expect, try to imagine if some of the members of Fleetwood Mac had decided to join forces with The Velvet Underground and created their own blend of divine avant-garde folky Americana and you’re partly there.… Read the rest

Nicol & Elliott The Storm EP

Nicol & Elliott – The Storm EP

The second EP from the wonderful Nicol & Elliott hit all good streaming platforms on Friday at midnight.

A fitting time, the midnight hour. The black of night, but the start of a new day with all the possibilities that may bring, full of opportunity or dripping in an uneasy uncertainty…

This EP features two of the duo’s (and their band) singles from last year. The EPs title track along with the brooding and sensitive portrayal of abusive relationships that is Dragging Me Down.

If you’ve heard these singles, you’ll not be disappointed with the songs they are joined with on this EP.… Read the rest