The Reverse Cowgirls Fortis Et Fidus

The Reverse Cowgirls – Fortus et Fidus

Hugh Mclachlan and co. return with this exquisite and fitting 10 song tribute to his late sister Kim. The album title comes from the motto of the MacLachlan clan, translating as strong and faithful, an appropriate title for the ten emotionally charged songs on show here.

Reflecting the album’s title, the game is strong on the Glasgow quartets new collection of songs, coming across both as vigorously brawny in their own inimitable brusque garage rock cowpunk style, but dig into the song titles and lyrics and there is a touching depth to them, the love and passion for Hugh’s sister shining through on these songs, such as the seagull backed achingly beautiful lament that is Born for You.… Read the rest


Tulsaqueen – Tulsaqueen – debut album review

It feels like a lifetime ago that I talked to Catriona about her solo project under the guise of Tulsaqueen (interview here). Having been a well known face around the Glasgow music scene for several years now, with Curdle and Dorothy Hale, her hotly anticipated superb country styled (with a twist) solo album is finally being unveiled with a launch gig in The Old Hairdressers on Friday (17th June)

The album (on Double A Side Records) will be available to stream from all your favourite platforms on the same day, but, being the impatient sod that I am, I pestered Angus and Catriona for a sneak preview.… Read the rest

A Damaged Christmas Gift For You

A Damaged Christmas Gift For You – Review

There are several Christmas albums that I would consider essential listening for this time of year. The 2000 compilation Its a Cool Cool Christmas for one, with a host of quality songs from the likes of Eels, El Vez, Drugstore no a personal family favourite, Christmas Boogaloo by Big Boss Man. Christmas by Low, whose Just Like Christmas appears on the aforementioned compilation, is another must listen at Christmas, while a modern classic, Ghost Stories fro Christmas (Aidan Moffat and RM Hubert) jumped straight into my all time favourite Christmas albums list on its release a few years ago.

Of course, one of the all time classics is A Christmas Gift for You, featuring the famous wall of sound in contributions from Darlene Love, The Ronettes, Bob B Soxx and the Blue Jeans and The Crystals.… Read the rest

Sister John I Am By Day

Sister John – I Am By Day – album review

Sister John’s third long payer, I Am By Day, finally got it’s official release last week on Last Night From Glasgow after what feel’s like a lifetime’s anticipation. The follow up to Returned from Sea and their eponymous second album was absolutely worth the wait. I’m not sure there are enough superlatives in the English language to describe how listening to this record makes me feel.

For the uninitiated, first I need to say, what’s taken you so long? But, by way of trying to give an indication of what to expect, try to imagine if some of the members of Fleetwood Mac had decided to join forces with The Velvet Underground and created their own blend of divine avant-garde folky Americana and you’re partly there.… Read the rest

The Gracious Losers Six Road Ends

The Gracious Losers – Six Road Ends – album review

Continuing in their quest to cause me marital grief due to the ever increasing number of vinyl arrivals, Last Night From Glasgow released the latest album from The Gracious Losers last week.

This supremely talented collective have come together once again to create a sublime soundtrack to my various trips around Scotland for work this week. 

Last Night From Glasgow Patreon

Taking these soul soothing tunes with me reminds me to mention that, if vinyl isn’t your thing, and I’m not judging, you can join in the party with a monthly subscription that allows you to access all the labels releases in digital format.… Read the rest

Nicol & Elliott The Storm EP

Nicol & Elliott – The Storm EP

The second EP from the wonderful Nicol & Elliott hit all good streaming platforms on Friday at midnight.

A fitting time, the midnight hour. The black of night, but the start of a new day with all the possibilities that may bring, full of opportunity or dripping in an uneasy uncertainty…

This EP features two of the duo’s (and their band) singles from last year. The EPs title track along with the brooding and sensitive portrayal of abusive relationships that is Dragging Me Down.

If you’ve heard these singles, you’ll not be disappointed with the songs they are joined with on this EP.… Read the rest

Singles January 2021

Singles Round Up – January 2021

Merely two weeks into 2021 and already my inbox is inundated with e-mails – new singles, forthcoming albums, demo’s. Certainly enough to focus my attention on the music and not the ongoing shit-show that 2021 has already shown itself to be.

It is nigh on impossible to listen to everything, but there have been certain songs that captured my attention more than others for one reason or another. Here is a selection of my favourites of the singles I’ve received so far (and I make absolutely no apology for sharing the first three again).

Mark W Georgsson

Theoretically this is a 2020 single given that it was released on Hogmanay, but I’m counting it as one of the first great singles of 2021.… Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – album pledge

Having been fortunate enough to witness this band live, and having watched several of their lockdown performances, I’d highly commend pledging for their debut album.

The Countess herself provides a powerfully emotive vocal backed by a tremendously evocative perfect storm of country punk noise from the band, as demonstrated perfectly on their earlier live EP – reviewed here

There are a few days left to pledge towards their new album campaign. With a fantastic range of opportunities to pledge, from signed CDs all the way through to private gigs.

if you’re still swithering over that perfect Xmas gift…here’s an opportunity. And if anyone fancies getting me a private gig, I’d be more than grateful 🙂

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Lou Kyme What's the Worst That Can Happen

Lou Kyme – What’s the Worst That Can Happen? – album review

Straight out of the deep south comes the melody packed debut mini album from Lou Kyme. I should point out, the deep south I speak of is deepest darkest Southampton. However, you would be forgiven for thinking these seven radiant slices of Americana/country same straight out of the USA.

Chuck magic

In fact, that isn’t so very far from the truth. Despite Lou’s English roots, and wealth of experience treading the boards with her dads’ band, the Okeh Wranglers, there are several American rootsy factors at play here. None more so than an appearance from legendary Green on Red axe man, and general guitar slinging legend Mr Chuck Prophet.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up

Singles Round Up – Lockdown Summer 2020

Over the period of lockdown (and I admit even before that) I’ve been sent a variety of singles/songs/demos for my listening pleasure. Unfortunately, some don’t get past the delete button (not always because they are… well, you know) but because I’m overwhelmed and don’t have the headspace to deal with them.

Over the last couple of weeks when I was on holiday in between day trips (avoiding the crowds and sweating masses) and decorating, I filtered out some of them….

Katherine Aly – God Breed

Following up her previous singles, The Skin I’m Made of, Sunny Days and Misty Me, this time around the silkily angelic-voiced Katherine Aly serves up a slice of absorbing brooding electronica with her latest single, God Breed.… Read the rest