Lockdown Ramblins

Lockdown ramblings…

I’ve being doing a lot of internal reflection on the back of the latest seemingly ill thought out random series soundbites and subsequent bumbling backtracking and mixed messages coming from Downing Street, apparently without any real plan or substance to back them up. While I feel that many of us with some common sense have been able to live by the guidelines up until now, these new messages have just caused confusion amongst many. This isn’t really a political post though. The statement and subsequent fallout were merely a trigger.

Home Truths

It brought home a few realisations and home truths.… Read the rest


What 2019 gives…

It is that time of year again, when we look forward to … General Elections??

Stuff the majority of those turkeys spewing forth their lies and wallowing in the glow of their own over-inflated egos, making grandiose gestures while viewing everything around them as a mere obstacle on their way to power. Sod the truth, with some notable exceptions they will say whatever it takes to get into power so they can then fuck everyone over in their own inimitable style.

I used to enjoy following the comings and goings in the world of politics, but it has become such a real-life parody that even the best comedians must struggle to lampoon certain individuals and the ridiculousness demonstrated by their lack of self-awareness.… Read the rest

Bad Penny

Back, like a bad penny…

I’m back. Like a bad penny.

I’ve been away from the Ginger Quiff for a short while, but still probably longer than I had initially hoped or intended. Like many others, balancing work and life is sometimes a challenge. Occasionally, that constant juggling of commitments ends up in us dropping a ball.

At times though, it must be a conscious decision to juggle with less balls to make it easier on yourself.

Take a break

Initially, it wasn’t a conscious decision to step away from my blog, I just lacked the free time and head space to give it the quality time I wanted to.… Read the rest

16 Years Scottish Club Gigs in Scorland 1974-1990

Spotlight on – 16 Years: Gigs in Scotland 1974 – 1990

Do you love live music?

Are you (or were you), like me, a regular gig-goer, and some of your best live experiences were in the small venues where you can see the whites of the eyes of the bands?

Did you attend club-sized gigs in the late seventies or eighties early on in a bands career?

Do you just like music and are interested in seeing pictures and other memorabilia from club gigs around Scotland?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, then there is a book for you in the off-ing. Read on to find out more, but consider as you read, the success of this venture is down to you… and you…and you…Don’t just read this, think “that sounds great”, then continue surfing the net or scrolling through facebook.… Read the rest

Richard Jobson Live Banner

Speed of Life – spoken word & music from Richard Jobson & Martin Metcalfe

Speed of Life

After 2 successful and well received shows in Edinburgh and Irvine, Richard Jobson & Martin Metcalfe take this unusual and enthralling performance on tour across the UK over 6 dates.

Richard_Jobson_Martin_MetcalfeDUOThis project isn’t be the first time the multi-faceted Jobson and Metcalfe have worked together. Jobson has previously provided the vocal for Isa & the Filthy Tongues track Bus Shelter and more recently the pair collaborated on a number of songs on the Skids recent comeback album “Burning Cities.” I’m sure this collaboration won’t be the last.

Green and Blue

The dates will be a combination of spoken word, music, songs and a Q&A
Jobson will read excerpts from his acclaimed new sci-fi novel “Speed of Life”, its name taken from the instrumental track of the same name on Bowies “Low” album.… Read the rest

Razur Cuts V – launch – Behindthewall Falkirk, Saturday 9th June 2018

Razur Cuts

Saturday finally saw the launch of Razur Cuts V and the culmination of muckle hard work by Derek Steel. The latest edition of the cutting edge street literature magazine was promising to be a cracker. The biggest issue to date at 80 pages including an exclusive interview with The Stranglers powerhouse bassist JJ Burnell.

Such an issue was deserving of a bells and whistles launch and Derek and his team pulled out all the stops to make the launch go with a bang, putting on what can only be described as an extravaganza in Falkirk venue Behind the Wall.… Read the rest

Razur Cuts

Razur Cuts

Razur Cuts


Compiled and produced by Derek S, Razur Cuts is for fans of stories, poetry and music and caters for those who yearn for the days of self-published fanzines. Get your hands on Razur Cuts IV before it sells out.

With its glossy cover it is a bit more high-tech than the old photocopied fanzines of old but the principle is still there. And it’s something tangible for those who still prefer a physical magazine or book.

The magazine features contributions from a variety of people, both new or more established, showcasing their short stories, poetry, interviews and articles.… Read the rest