Annie Booth Lazybody

The Ones That Got Away… Annie Booth – Lazybody – album review

I did include this album in my top 25 of the year, but hadn’t got around to reviewing it at that point. Since then I have pretty much listened to the album on almost a daily basis. If I were to be doing my end of year blog now, I would have to say that Lazybody would be in my top five favourite albums of the year. Note to self, wait until it is actually the end of the year before revealing any lists…

I Don’t Mind…Until I Mind

There is a certain stunning unique quality to Annie’s vocal that always manages to hit that sweet spot somewhere between joyous, comforting and an air of melancholy.… Read the rest

Filthy Filthy Getting Away With it

The Ones That Got Away… Filthy Filthy – Getting Away With It – album review

Continuing in my attempt to get some last reviews in before we hit 2022, for some albums that I was late in getting to, or that were just too late to get into my end of year blog posts.

Next up its some old school punk rock n’ roll courtesy of Hull’s Filthy Filthy. Having noted that I hadn’t featured many albums that could be classified as “punk” in my top 25 albums of the year, I’ve been enjoying this and the debut from Year Zero which was also released in the latter stages of the year. More on Year Zero in another post though..… Read the rest

The Musicians of Bremen

The Ones That Got Away… The Musicians of Bremen – Intolerance and Resilience – album reviews

As we reach the end of the year, there are a few albums I need to highlight that either came to me too late to make my end of year lists or I just overlooked earlier for some reason or another.

Despite what their name tells you, Glasgow based band, The Musicians of Bremen, ended the year by releasing the second part of their double header debut album Resilience, having released part one, Intolerance, earlier in the year. Like the Brothers Grimm tale from whence they get their name, their wish would be to rid us of al the thieves and liars, particularly the ones that run the country/world…

The two album title could be buzzwords for recent years as we see society split even further and intolerances increasing from both side of the divide, some of these intolerances entirely despicable created through the rise of the right (a particular visceral response to Brexit at the end of the album “We Voted NO” leaving you in no doubt where the band stands) and incompetent lying governments on both sides of the Atlantic while other intolerances totally understandable as the rest of us rail against hate, racism, homophobia, xenophobia and bigotry.… Read the rest

A Damaged Christmas Gift For You

A Damaged Christmas Gift For You – Review

There are several Christmas albums that I would consider essential listening for this time of year. The 2000 compilation Its a Cool Cool Christmas for one, with a host of quality songs from the likes of Eels, El Vez, Drugstore no a personal family favourite, Christmas Boogaloo by Big Boss Man. Christmas by Low, whose Just Like Christmas appears on the aforementioned compilation, is another must listen at Christmas, while a modern classic, Ghost Stories fro Christmas (Aidan Moffat and RM Hubert) jumped straight into my all time favourite Christmas albums list on its release a few years ago.

Of course, one of the all time classics is A Christmas Gift for You, featuring the famous wall of sound in contributions from Darlene Love, The Ronettes, Bob B Soxx and the Blue Jeans and The Crystals.… Read the rest

Bubbling Under

Bubbling Under – 2021 – the Rest of the Best…

2021, despite all the negatives, has been another great year for new music. I’ve already published my Review of the Year/Best of lists. But it would be unfair of me not to highlight several albums that I’ve been enjoying throughout 2021 that I didn’t feature in the top 25 or so in my blog,

As well as the albums I featured in the end of year post, I’ve reviewed and enjoyed albums by Jackal Trades, Mickey 9s, Natalie Pryce, Paul Research, CHVRCHES, Girl One and the Grease Guns, The Graveyard Tapes, Duncan Reid and the Big Heads (Live), Randolphs Leap, Maximo Park, The Telescopes, Edweena Banger, TV Priest, Teen Creeps, Brick Briscoe and Kiwi Jr

This blog is all about the other albums/EPs I’ve loved but never got around to reviewing,.… Read the rest

The Bluebells and Sister John live

The Bluebells and Sister John – live in the CCA

My penultimate gig of 2021, and my final Last Night From Glasgow double header extravaganza of the year was a pretty special night that will live long in the memory featuring the first band to re-release a classic album on the Past Night From Glasgow offshoot, Glasgow legends, The Bluebells, and the band who released my favourite LNFG release of 2021, the quite simply magnificent Sister John.

With the year threatening to end as it began thanks to Omicron and rumours of coming restrictions, there was both an sense of foreboding mixed with a n element of relief that the gig was going ahead at all, albeit with a reduced capacity.… Read the rest

Review of the Year

Review of the the Year – The Best of 2021

Yet another bumper year for new releases by new artists, classic re-issues and comebacks from some old favourites.

Despite what the salivating broadcasters and media will have you believe, there was so much more to the year than a new album by A****e, the banality of which didn’t even register on the gingerquiff seismograph such was its insignificance in the shadow of so much in the way of superb and exciting music that moved me. (Yes, I know she has a great voice, but oh so dull).

Anyway, no more focussing on negatives, There were so many remarkable albums this year that, once again, I can’t narrow them down to my ten favourites, so before I run down my Top 10 albums of the year, here are those…

In 11th Place (in no particular order)…

It was so hard to leave anyone out this year, I have loved records by so many wonderful and diverse bands and artists.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2021 Pt 14

Singles Round Up 2021 -Part 14

Never say never, but I’m pretty sure this will be the last singles round up of 2021. Some fantastic songs have surfaced this year. And there are probably even more that have passed me by. Here’s a selection of some of the one’s that have hit my inbox recenty and caught my ear…

Billy Sinclair – The One For You

Billy Sinclair’s latest single is stonking romp of a tune, if there was such a genre as glam country then this would be it. Soulful backing vocals complement the riffing with a catchy singalong chorus which lays out the protagonists case to get the girl…

Stream on Spotify now

Dreamkids – Metamorphosis A/A

Dreamkids follow up the video for the powerfully affecting It Must Be Nice and its focus on mental health with the double A side of their single Metamorphosis We Are Young a compelling grunge tinged emo rock song with a hint of Dolores O’Riordan in the vocals.… Read the rest

Katherine Aly

Interview: 5 minutes with silken-voiced Katherine Aly

Silken voiced Katherine Aly released her latest single, Rules, last week. The single is the follow up to her powerful and compelling previous single, and its equally powerful accompanying video, Pariah.

I interviewed Katherine last month following her thoroughly captivating gig in Glasgow’s intimate Hug & Pint venue.

Katherine Aly

The Ginger Quiff: For anyone who doesn’t know about Katherine Aly, tell me a bit about your background, how you first got into playing music, influences and so on.

Katherine Aly: I’m originally from Greece where I started playing and releasing music but I’ve been an Edinburgh-based artist for some time now.… Read the rest

Scaramanga Six

VIDEO PREMIERE – The Scaramanga Six – Big Ideas

The Ginger Quiff is proud to present the exclusive premiere of the new video from The Scaramanga Six for their dark and majestic new single Big Ideas from their forthcoming tenth album, Worthless Music. You can pre-order the album now on their Bandcamp page (link below) with a release date of the 3rd of December.

The band have had an esteemed 26 year career to date, and Big Ideas, the fourth song to be released in anticipation of the album, continues to whet the appetite for what promises to be a huge new album.

Cementing what the band have become known for, Big Ideas is a behemoth of a track.… Read the rest