The Countess of Fife – Betwixt and Between – EP Review

I was fortunate to get the opportunity to spend some time in the company of Scottish music icon Fay Fife towards the end of last year and have the pleasure of an in-depth chat about her Countess of Fife project. Our catch up coincided with her reaching the Kickstarter campaign target for her second album, A Woman of Certain Wisdom, in the guise of The Countess of Fife, following the runaway success of her first album Star of the Sea, which had also just seen its second pressing.

You can read the whole interview here

When we spoke, Fay alluded to an EP that would be released ahead of A Woman Of Certain Wisdom later this year, featuring early versions of songs she had recorded for the new album.… Read the rest

Children of Gaza Benefit – Scorpio Leisure, Kirsten Adamson, The Filthy Tongues, The Countess of Fife, The Rezillos – Voodoo Rooms

The last gig of 2024 for me was a late addition to the gig calendar, at a hastily arranged (and quickly sold out) gig arranged by Fay and Martin. I did swither over it, what with getting over bruised ribs and a sprained ankle, the weather being miserable and the thought of getting home afterwards. However, the deal was sealed as the reason for the gig was to raise money for the children of Gaza/Palestine, which, if anyone follows my socials will know is a subject close to my heart. And of course the line-up featured some of the best acts Scotland has to offer…

I’ve said this before, but I think the future is in gigs with loads of bands playing short sets and a quick change over in between.… Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – Interview with Fay Fife

The Countess of Fife, the solo project from the iconic Fay Fife have recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for their second album, the follow up to their well-received and critically acclaimed debut the Star of the Sea. The current campaign, for the album A Woman of Certain Wisdom ends on November 22nd, with plenty of tempting packages to attract the discerning music fan.


I met up with Fay recently in Coffee Saints in Edinburgh to catch up with her (and Harris – her beautiful Golden Retriever, who enjoyed his pup cup) on all things Countess of Fife and navigating the music industry in the 21st Century.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 2 – February

February was another formidable month for singles, with the round up for this month including a whopping 50 top tunes.

As usual, I’ve collected them all on a Spotify playlist, against my better judgement, for you to sample should you choose. If you like the songs, go and search out the bands music, buy their merchandise and go to their gigs. It’s the only way to ensure the future of new music and keep music venues open.

Single(s) of the Month

Here’s my top 15 singles of the month for February… at the top of the list and earning the “trophy” for single of the month is a band on the ascendency…

Junk Pups – Trophy Wife

It feels like an age since Junk Pups released their last single, Miss Behave, but have certainly not been sitting doing nothing, gigging constantly, the latest of which was headlining the last night of January’s New Year’s Revolution in King Tuts (review).… Read the rest

Singles of the Year 2023

I have no idea how John Peel narrowed songs down to a Festive 50 every year, he must have received 1000 times the number of songs I receive on a yearly basis. Maybe if I did a Singles of the Year 2023 blog again tomorrow or the next day, things would change slightly as I think of another song that needs to be included, as in the singles round-ups (links to all the round ups of the year at the foot of the blog) I must have listed between 400 and 500 songs this year, another bumper year for new music.… Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – Live Review, The Gilded Balloon, Patter Hoose, Edinburgh Fringe

Having released one of the standout albums of 2023 and 2024 in Star of the Sea (the album was available last year, but the vinyl launched earlier this year), The Countess of Fife aka Fay Fife of Rezillos fame has built a formidable live band around her in the shape of Willy Molleson on drums (Eliza Carthy), Al Gare on double bass (Imelda May, Jeff Beck), Laurie Cuffe on guitar (Cuban Heels, Vellininios). and on acoustic guitar and backing vox, Kirsten Adamson who has been picking up plaudits herself for her 2nd album Landing Place, including My Fathers Song’s a poignant tribute to her late father.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 6 – June

June singles round up featuring some of the best new music around including joint “Singles of the Month” by the mighty Water Machine, Brenda, Bin Juice and KEELEY

I’m afraid time is not currently my friend, so like the May round up…. only just published in July…. There are no write ups of the songs featured.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t listened to all of them. After all, none of them would be here if I didn’t love them all …

Hopefully my time management will improve and normal service will be resumed in July

Water Machine – Water Machine Pt.

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Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 5 – May

It’s taken me much longer than it should have to get May’s Singles Round Up done. I blame fatigue from the onset of unseasonably hot weather in Glasgow… as well as a general inability to fit everything I need to do into a seven day week.

Apologies to all the featured bands and artists this month for not getting an individual write up, suffice to say, every single song has been listened to and loved. Much kudos to the vast number of great new songs in May from Glasgow/Scottish based bands and artists here. I hate to choose favourites but special mention to “Singles of the Month” from Sacred Noise, Kohla, Pedalo, Parliamo, Quad 90 and Jemma Freeman and the Cosmic Something….you… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 4 – April

Four months into 2023 and the new music keeps coming thick and fast, so much to listen to, so much to love. As usual, there is the evil Spotify playlist at the end, try then buy….

Lambrini Girls – Lads, Lads, Lads

Ahead of the release of their EP, You’re Welcome, comes single number three from feisty punks Lambrini Girls, this time tackling the subject of lad culture and toxic masculinity with great gusto, venting their spleen with impassioned fury. Be sure to catch them when they play The Hug and Pint in June, and if you’re going south for Iggy’s Dog Day Afternoon, get their early to see them.… Read the rest

23 for ‘23

I may have made it difficult for myself by starting this last year. I’ll need to come up with one more band, album or gig I’m looking forward to next year. Mind you, judging by the sheer volume of amazing new music that is out there, it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge. So here is my list of music related stuff I’m looking forward to next year so far…

In no particular order, but I’ve got quite an easy place to start.

1. Sacred Noise

One of the bands I’d listed in my 22 for ‘22 are back in for my list of great hopes for 2023.… Read the rest