Entering Glasgow’s Room 2 for the second time in as many weeks, I had an overwhelming feeling of deja-vu, the same suave soothing sounds and dulcet tones of the duskily debonair Louise McVey and the Cracks in the Concrete emanating from the stage as the last time I visited, their music creating a hypnotic air of calming re-assurance. The venue wasn’t quite as pitch black as last time though, meaning I was able to see your friendly neighbourhood promoter this time, rather than walk straight into him. His Lordship obviously draw from the same pool of music fans as Kid Congo, as I bumped (not literally this time) into many friendly faces around the venue, as well as noticing several of the same good folks of discerning music tastes from Glasgow and its environs in the crowd, and also having an impromptu school re-union – and believe me when I say that wasn’t yesterday (I’ll get you that pint next time Douglas…)

His Lordship seem to like playing Glasgow, this being the third time I’ve witnessed His Lordship’s live extravaganza in a couple of years (you could say four if you count The Pretenders…) so you would be forgiven for thinking there would be an element of being prepared for what James, Kristoffer and Dave were about to serve up.… Read the rest