Mt Doubt Doubtlands

Mt Doubt – Doubtlands – album review

One of the advantages of membership of Last Night From Glasgow is getting your sticky mitts on the glorious recordings ahead of their release. As the date for the official launch of the latest album, Doubtlands, from the magnificent Mt Doubt approaches (18th September) this stirring collection of songs, which manages to be both darkly melancholic but at the same time upliftingly enriching, feels like it has been spinning on my turntable for years such is the welcoming radiance it exudes. A sound that feels like the missing link between the dark storytelling and deep velvety resonance of antipodean troubadour Nick Cave and the multifarious textures of Glasgow’s own Blue Nile and The Bathers.… Read the rest

The Muldoons Made for Each Other

The Muldoons – Made for Each Other – album review

I have recently been expounding my love for a certain record label, the wonderful Tarbeach Records from Astoria, NY with links to home soil in Airdrie. Another of my favourite labels is altogether closer to home. Last Night From Glasgow, and its various offshoots Hive and Komponist have not let the grass grow under their feet during lockdown, with a seemingly endless supply of announcements and releases to delight and excite.

As I’ve recently reviewed two of the latest releases from Tarbeach It seems only fair that I balance this out and expound the virtues of Last Night From Glasgow too.… Read the rest

Slime City – Single review

Remember when Malcolm Middleton reminded us “We’re All Going to Die”? Well for the pragmatists amongst you, you’ll not be surprised by the fact that reality hasn’t changed. This time it is the turn of Glasgow’s Slime City to remind us of the fact we are all mortal with the wonderful “You and Everybody That You Love Will One Day Die”

Challenging Win for song title length (It May Be  Beautiful Sky Tonight But It’s Only a Shelter for a World at Risk) this three minutes of blissful hook laden trashy rock makes you feel cool about the fact we’re going to go the way of all flesh one day as the song charms and enchants.… Read the rest

Last Night From Glasgow logo

Spotlight on Last Night From Glasgow

Independent labels in Scotland

Independent record labels & Scotland. There is a phenomenal history that could take several articles before you would begin to do them justice. Between them they have spawned some era-defining artists and albums. Obviously not an exhaustive list, but with a very brief flicking of the mental rolodex, you can’t avoid thinking of Postcard, then over the years, labels like Fast Product, Chemikal Underground, Creeping Bent and Rock Action all unleashing a variety of notable albums.

There are too many to mention without completely changing the focus of this blog, but there currently numerous Scottish based independent labels flying the flag for the music scene and giving many bands a platform to release their music.… Read the rest

The Martial Arts

An Eclectic Cornucopia of Charismatic Congenial Creations to Charm and Captivate

There are several tracks/singles and EPs that I have been sitting on for a while or I’ve just received that been enjoying recently 

Katherine Aly

Starting with the sublime Katherine Aly. The Skin I’m Made Of is an achingly beautiful piano driven ballad. Aly has a beautifully distinctive voice, crisp and clear with no warbling affectations and the song reaches the parts other vocalists can’t reach. Some may have been lucky enough to catch her recently as I believe she supported Goodbye Mr MacKenzie in Dundee. I hope to hear a lot more from her in future.

The Martial Arts

Next up is stalwart of the Scottish indie scene, Paul Kelly, returning with The Martial Arts.… Read the rest


L-Space – Music for Megastructures – Album review

Scottish 4-piece L-Space present their glorious opus, Music for Megastructures. An outstanding body of work and departure from their debut album Kipple Arcadia. This release is a most welcome addition to the magnificent and varied output from the burgeoning roster of label Last Night from Glasgow. One remarkable fact about this instrumental album is that it is recorded entirely on synthesisers (save a few bass parts here and there). The resultant futuristic haunting atmospheric sounds had me hooked from the off.

With four sides/themes to the album, it plays out like a metaphoric journey through life. Arriving at this space-age mega-civilisation with part one, Transport, the music conjures images of firing rocket boosters and of air rushing past, of ships horns and space age trains over rails.… Read the rest