Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 5 – May

I am so unbelievably behind it’ll be Halloween soon and I’ll still be at Easter… I’m still working month’s behind in singles round ups, and about 6 months behind in album and EP reviews. I’m putting that down to shit like life getting in the way, but I’ll also use the excuse that there is so much fantastic new music out there by bands old and new that I can’t keep up with the sheer volume of music to listen to, which to be fair, ain’t that far from the truth.

My May (yeah I know, May, that was like months ago, literally…) round up follows, as does a playlist of all the songs on Tidal.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 2 – February

February was another formidable month for singles, with the round up for this month including a whopping 50 top tunes.

As usual, I’ve collected them all on a Spotify playlist, against my better judgement, for you to sample should you choose. If you like the songs, go and search out the bands music, buy their merchandise and go to their gigs. It’s the only way to ensure the future of new music and keep music venues open.

Single(s) of the Month

Here’s my top 15 singles of the month for February… at the top of the list and earning the “trophy” for single of the month is a band on the ascendency…

Junk Pups – Trophy Wife

It feels like an age since Junk Pups released their last single, Miss Behave, but have certainly not been sitting doing nothing, gigging constantly, the latest of which was headlining the last night of January’s New Year’s Revolution in King Tuts (review).… Read the rest