Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Part 6

Swervedriver – Volume Control

The last part of the round up finished with Miki Berenyi, one of the most recognisable vocalist/guitarists of the 1990s indie scene fronting Lush. The part starts with one of the prime movers in the shoegaze scene of the era, blasting into the scene with mighty juggernauts of sound like Son of Mustang Ford. The band now have 6 albums under their belts and in January released this track from a new EP coming in March.


Ditz – Four

Four is one of the highlights of the bands new album, Never Exhale, the follow up to the potent debut, The Great Regression.… Read the rest

November Singles – Pt 2 – San Jose, Hurtsfall, Vigilanti, Peter Johnstone, Fistymuffs, Ditz, Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs…

The second instalment of singles/tracks from November features some home grown talent in the shape of San Jose, Vigilanti, Peter Johnstone and Fistymuffs alongside songs from Hurstfall, Ditz and Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs coming from further afield.

San Jose – Dirty Linen

This sprawling epic song is one of my highlights for November, perhaps the year, it feels like a musical movement rather than just a song due to the several parts that make up the track, which musically sits somewhere between the thoughtful musings of Trampolene and the rakish charm of louche rockers Fat White Family.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 6 – June

June singles round up featuring some of the best new music around including joint “Singles of the Month” by the mighty Water Machine, Brenda, Bin Juice and KEELEY

I’m afraid time is not currently my friend, so like the May round up…. only just published in July…. There are no write ups of the songs featured.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t listened to all of them. After all, none of them would be here if I didn’t love them all …

Hopefully my time management will improve and normal service will be resumed in July

Water Machine – Water Machine Pt.

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September round up

Singles Round Up Part 9 – September 2022

two thirds of the way through the year and time for another round up of the best singles, demos, live tracks and general goodness that has come my way by hook or by crook throughout the month of September.

bis – Lucky Night

It’s your lucky day, bis returned in September with their new single Lucky Night, a song packed with bis goodness and accompanied by an engrossing CGI video packed with clones of the bis threesome. The upbeat electropop anthem bemoaning dodgy nightclub chat up lines “a boy walked up to me…” It’s bis, what’s not to love?


The Nightingales – Bloody Breath

From their new album The Last Laugh is this slice of Nightingales brilliance, layering addictive driving rhythms starting with an incessant piano riff before adding throbbing bass and adding instrument after instrument to create an insanely hypnotic melee, all topped off with Robert Lloyd’s distinctive low, almost menacing brogue and you have sheer perfection.… Read the rest