Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Pt 3

A mix of the old and new on part three with established acts such as Gareth Sager rubbing shoulder with the new breed in the shape of Vanderlye and others.

The Yets – Enemy

The duo from South Carolina open up part three of January’s round up with this dreamily ethereal alt rock song. The Enemy channels elements of Medicine and their ilk and wouldn’t have sounded out of place on the soundtrack for the original Crow movie.

The Yets

Vanderlye – Romantic Anarchy

A close second to Tanzana for single of the month is this slice of heaven from another of my hopes for greater things, Vanderlye. Romantic Anarchy is underlined by a gorgeous haunting melody and divine harmonies, topped with a heartfelt lyric. As the song builds to its glorious crescendo, it takes me back to the sound of 1980s band The Dream Academy.


Tha Flicker – Faded Flowers

Despite the random nature of these songs being added to the playlist, there is a certain synergy and hypnotic beauty that flows through the first 3 songs in this part of the round up, the last of these being the captivating melancholic allure of Faded Flowers the debut single from Tha Flicker.

Tha Flicker

Gareth Sager – St Jock

From the new to the well established, and the latest offering from The Pop Group’s guitarist Gareth Sager. St Jock is a reworked version of a song from Sager’s back catalogue (6 albums on Creeping Bent) which comes from an album of reworking of his songs released on Valentines Day, Play Yr Heart Out.

Gareth Sager

Blair Gilmour – Burning Up

Back to new artists and it’s the turn of Irvine’s Blair Gilmour and his instantaneously catchy earworm in the shape of feel good anthem Burning Up. The 18 year old multi instrumentalist has an interesting backstory, using music to control his Tourette’s.

Blair Gilmour

Tunde Adebimpe – Magnetic

Not actually a January release, but I missed this infectious single from the TV on the Radio frontman when it was released so I’m slipping it in here as it was on constant repeat when I first heard it, lodging itself between my ears.

Tunde Adebimpe