Daniel Wylie’s Cosmic Rough Riders

Daniel Wylie’s Cosmic Rough Riders – Atoms and Energy – album review

Last Night From Glasgow’s Hive imprint is home to yet another sublime pop masterpiece in the shape of Daniel Wylie’s Cosmic Rough Riders latest long player, Atoms and Energy. Mr Wylie has pulled it out of the bag once again with this collection of ten bewitchingly charming and perfectly formed melodic treasures.

This man’s knack for writing an addictive song grabbed me from the off, nearly wearing new grooves on both sides of The Thieves single Talk Your Head Off/The Party and feeling aggrieved when an album never surfaced with a release of one of my live favourites at the time, Star Spangled Banner.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2021 Part 6

Here it is, Singles Round Up 2021 Part 6 – since I published Part 5, the quality songs just keep coming this year, and that is only the ones I am just about keeping up with. For every superb song I manage to listen to, I’ve probably deleted a handful of e-mails that may have contained another cracker.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again -don’t let anyone ever tell you that there are no good new bands or new music out there. If that sis what you think, you’re just too damn lazy to find it…

Here are a selection of the songs I’ve been enjoying of late.… Read the rest

Jim McCulloch – When I Mean What I Say – album review

I’ve never had the good fortune to meet Jim McCulloch, but I’m willing to bet he’d be one of life’s good guys. I’m also willing to bet that the vast majority of music fans will own or love at least one song featuring the talents of McCulloch the maestro in their collection. Whether they know it or not.

I may be wrong, but he gives the impression of being a quiet unassuming genius who just loves creating and playing music. Keeping his head just under the parapet focussing on what he loves and producing some timeless, unforgettable records in the process.… Read the rest

We’ll be coming, we’ll be coming…

…when you hear the noise of the Cundeez and Rudebeard boys, we’ll be coming down the road.

Remember the old days, remember the O’Jays… no, I’m going down the wrong cut de sac here. Remember in your youth (if you are of a certain vintage) when Scotland qualified for competitions with clockwork regularity? Only to crash out to some minnows in the group stages right enough, but qualified none the less.

Even if you weren’t a football fan, you knew we’d qualified. Who can forget being on the march wi’ Ally’s Army and Andy Cameron in 1978 when we all thought we were really going to come home from Argentina as trophy winners only for our dreams to be crushed.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2021 Part 5

Singles Round Up 2021 – Part 5

Mirroring last weekend, I’ve spent all the time my body can manage doing manual labour in the garden, so I’m back to trying to empty my inbox of the influx of e-mails that show no sign of abating.

As before, not reviews as such, more just a round up of singles, tracks or demos that have stuck their heads above the parapet and caught my attention. Where available, I’ve added them to The Ginger Quiff 2021 playlist on Spotify featuring all the bands/albums that have appeared on the blog (or in reviews I’ve done for Louder Than War) this year.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up Part 4

Singles Round Up 2021 – Part 4

I find it virtually impossible to keep up with the volume of new music that fills my inbox on a daily basis. I would love to say I had time to listen to everything, but there aren’t enough hours in the day. If only I didn’t have to work to pay the bills.

Anyway, here is the latest round up of some of the singles and demos that I have managed to listen to and enjoyed, tunes that have caught my attention in the last few weeks. Seeing as it is a hideous, rainy bank holiday Monday, I am taking a welcome break from digging up the garden to pull them all together in one place.… Read the rest

Hadda Be Another Life

Hadda Be – Another Life – album review

If you’ve ever read any of my blog posts, you’ll probably be fed up with the very mention of Last Night From Glasgow, but I make no apologies for the repetition. The fact is, those in charge of quality control at the heart of LNFG have got their heads screwed on and are totally in tune with quality sounds.

Case in point is the debut album, Another Life, from the band formerly known as Foundlings, Hadda Be.

Gloriously Joyous Riffing

If you’ve been fortunate to hear the recent singles, the albums title track and the more recent Wait in the Dark, you’ll know exactly what I mean.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up – 2021 – Part 3

In an attempt to keep up with the number of singles that I’ve been enjoying lately, here’s another Singles Round Up. Apologies to anyone that may have sent me potentially the “next big thing” and I’ve missed it… the big red number on my mail app is currently stressing me out. Yes, I am one of those people, any red numbers against an app on my phone is a no go… I’m losing my email battle though.

Anyway, here are some bands/singles you should check out if you haven’t already…

Jehnny Beth & Bobby Gillespie – Remember We Were Lovers

The former Savages front woman joins Primal Scream’s Bobby Gillespie for this beautifully understated duet, with video produced by ex-JAMC bassist Douglas Hart.… Read the rest

Natalie Pryce Bad Men

Natalie Pryce – Bad Men – album review

The mysteriously enigmatic band Natalie Pryce unveiled their latest album Bad Men recently. As usual this is an unsettlingly enjoyable listen. The musical content of the 10 male-monikered songs to be found within is suitably reflected in the cover art featuring a sinisterly creepy masked man in crumpled pyjamas reclining aggressively on a bed…

This album comes at a time where issues like taking back the streets for women are to the fore in the wake of recent events following the murder of Sarah Everard at the hands of a serving policeman. I’m sure the messages portrayed on this album won’t be popular with the “not all men are like that” brigade.… Read the rest

The Middlenight Men Issue 1

The Middlenight Men – Issue 1 – album review

Like many other new albums in 2021, I’ve been enjoying this one for some time now but due to heavy workload and a general feeling of listlessness and malaise, I’ve never got around to writing about it. With a few days off work ahead of me, and having recovered from the after effects of the AZ vaccine, I’m going to try to rectify that…


So what of Issue 1 from The Middlenight Men? Well, quite simply it is ‘Marvel’ous. This band has provided the full package. The whole affair is a statement as to why physical releases beat streaming hands down.… Read the rest