The Courettes Live in Mono

The (Fabulous) Courettes – Back in Mono…in Mono

Last night The Courettes cemented their place as my new favourite band with a frenetic supercharged performance, fittingly in Glasgow’s Mono, supporting the release of their third, and in my opinion, best album to date, Back in Mono. The emphasis of last nights gig was fun with a capital F.U.N. Despite being three albums in, this was their first visit to Glasgow, hopefully there will be many more to come in the future.

On a miserable Thursday night in raintown, I made the effort to dress from head to toe in black and white in tribute to the this most stylish of bands, and ventured out in the pissing awful weather.… Read the rest

Lola in Slacks Moon Moth

Lola in Slacks – Moon Moth – album review

It seems somehow appropriate that I am sitting writing this review just gone midnight, with everyone in the house asleep bar me. The music of Lola in Slacks is ideally suited to late night listening. I feel something is missing though. Ideally, I should be in some sophisticated smoky wine bar in Paris, brushing shoulders with poets, artists, authors and musicians and other such classy and stylish bohemians. I guess late night in Glasgow’s South Side with only cats as company and a wee bourbon and coke as refreshment will do for now. Until this incoming Saturday that is…

If, like me, you have been waiting with barely contained excitement in anticipation of Moon Moth, you won’t be disappointed.… Read the rest

The Courettes Back in Mono

The Courettes – Back in Mono – album review

What’s not to love about The Courettes? I mean, lets face it everything about this band screams sheer class. The supremely talented duo have not left a stone unturned in considering exactly what they want The Courettes to be. Their divine retro aesthetic, from their image and their instruments, through the design of their cover art and on through to the music and its production, you can be under no illusion of what to expect. They wear their influences well and truly on their sleeves, coming from a very specific and distinct place and time in history, but allowing those of us who missed out on the opportunity to live through that era vicariously to experience it for ourselves.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2021 Part 11

Singles Round Up 2021 – Part 11

Another bumper batch of singles, demoes, or tracks that have somehow made their way into my slightly detached world . I’ve been trying desperately to keep on top of all the new releases and singles that keep catching my eye/ear, evidently I am only human and there are loads I’ve missed, and some probably included here that have been out for a while but I’m only getting my lugs around them now.

As always, these are in no particular order and where available, they’ve been added to the Ginger Quiff 2021 Playlist.

First up, its a bittersweet song…

The Jazz Butcher – Time

Many of us will have been shocked and saddened by the sudden passing this week of one of independent music’s most highly respected and talented free spirits in The Jazz Butcher iconoclast himself, Pat Fish.… Read the rest

Vardy Pandemonium 555 EP

Vardy – Pandemonium 555 EP – review

“Someone get me outta this place…” (Vardy – Outta This Place) something I’ve increasingly thought over recent weeks as I read the progressively more and more bizarre headlines, wondering if the last two years have actually been real? And it appears it is not the only thoughts I have in common with Daniel Vardy, the Vardy in question here, recently having released his 7 track Pandemonium 555 EP.

Pandemonium is an appropriate title for these seven steroid injected frantically energetic, vitriolic, indie guitar anthems tinged with a visceral punk attitude, his East Midlands accent demonstrating elements of both anger and desperation throughout the songs.… Read the rest

Jeshua Unreliable Narrator

One’s That Got Away… Jeshua – Unreliable Narrator

One’s That Got Away

Despite me trying to keep on top of things this year, inevitably things always escape me. I have the best of intentions of posting reviews, listening to everything that is sent to me (as well as the stuff I buy myself), but life gets in the way sometimes… Here is the first in another series I’ll probably start, then never get around to following up on. Anyway. I’m aiming to do some mini reviews of albums I’ve been enjoying this year that I meant to review when they were released but then shit got in the way….… Read the rest

Singles Round Up Pt 10

Singles Round Up 2021 – Part 10

2021 is building up to be as big a shit storm of a year as 2020, COVID still looms large, but is quickly being taken over by events in Afghanistan and closer to home, the clusterfuck that is the fall out of Brexit. Hey, but we’ve got blue passports, crowns on pint glasses and are back to using pounds and ounces…

It is with an enormous debt gratitude of then, to all the bands and artists who keep me sane with the music they keep releasing this year. It has been a phenomenal year so far for new music and we’ve still got three months to go.… Read the rest

The Muslims Fuck These Fuckin Fascists

The Muslims – Fuck These Fuckin Fascists – album review

As John Lydon does all he can to piss on the legacy of punk and the Sex Pistols, through wearing his MAGA hats and moving further to the right and dissing the left, the true voice of punk in the 21st Century belongs to the likes of the visceral voice and unyielding energy of Bob Vylan, the most important UK punk act to emerge in recent years. And from the US, while musically treading a poppier punk path but with no less anger and resentment towards a countless list of deserving targets it’s the turn of THE MUSLIMS “a crunchy, kickass punk band of Black + brown queer muzzies.”… Read the rest

Singles Round Up

Singles Round Up 2021 – Part 9

2021 has been rammed full of quality new music, so many new singles and ones to fit every musical taste. Here’s my latest round up of the ones that have caught my attention.

And a note to all festival organisers whose bills are crammed with ladrock, there are literally thousands of alternatives out there….

Brat Coven

Brat Coven are a three piece riot grrrl/punk band with attitude form Glasgow. Listen to the lead song on their latest three track single and be in absolutely no doubt that they will accept NO unwelcome advances from sleazy blokes with the uncompromising grunge punk of Not Ur Girl.… Read the rest

Jackal Trades

Jackal Trades – At This Point – album review

Mark McGhee never rests.

Does this man never sleep? He seems to be constantly spinning plates, managing to keep them all going and letting nothing slip, while keeping up high standards and levels of quality control on everything too …

Live shows with The Girobabies (whose Who Stole Utopia? album remains an absolute revelation), You Call That Radio podcasts, and of course Jackal Trades (and master of them all), whose album At This Point was released a couple of months ago…. Yes, I’m still playing catch up, but that s a good sign – hunner’s of brilliant new music out there…

At This Point is essentially McGhee’s (and a supporting cast of thousands) commentary on the state of the COVID era disunited kingdom.… Read the rest