The Countess of Fife – Betwixt and Between – EP Review

I was fortunate to get the opportunity to spend some time in the company of Scottish music icon Fay Fife towards the end of last year and have the pleasure of an in-depth chat about her Countess of Fife project. Our catch up coincided with her reaching the Kickstarter campaign target for her second album, A Woman of Certain Wisdom, in the guise of The Countess of Fife, following the runaway success of her first album Star of the Sea, which had also just seen its second pressing.

You can read the whole interview here

When we spoke, Fay alluded to an EP that would be released ahead of A Woman Of Certain Wisdom later this year, featuring early versions of songs she had recorded for the new album.… Read the rest

Jenny Don’t & The Spurs & Wild Devils – live in The Rum Shack

A rare midweek opportunity for a night of Rockabilly and hard-rockin’ Honky-Tonk Cowpunk in one of my favourite local venues, how could I resist? The Rum Shack is garnering a strong reputation as a much sought after venue for live music, a great size, with great sight lines and sound, and when you add to that a band who are quite obviously in their prime, basking in the success of their superb latest record Broken Hearted Blue and clearly enjoying their performance you’ve got a perfect recipe to counter that mid week slump, injecting a bit of joy back into that gloomy feeling… last weekend was a distant memory and this weekend still seems a lifetime away… On this dreich and cold February Wednesday night, Jenny & Co.… Read the rest

New Years Revolution 2025 – King Tuts Wah Wah Hut – Martha May and the Mondays, Human Renegade, Count the Days and Marf.

Just under a week on from my last visit to the venue for a varied four band bill headlined by the excellent Tanzana (whose presence was noted at this gig, along with members of the mighty Sister Madds and one of my tips for 2025, Alcatraz (whose appearance in Tuts last week I unfortunately missed) among others) it was time for another visit and another pick ‘n’ mix selection of genres.

Opening act, Marf., started off their accomplished bluesy rock set with a track exuding a smooth jazzy charm. As their set progressed, so did the intense power and energy of their music, all topped with a compellingly potent and soulful vocal from the first Martha of the evening, before closing out their set with an impressive version of Gorillaz Feel Good Inc.… Read the rest

New Years Revolution 2025 – King Tuts ft. Tanzana, Naked Actress, Aldous and Save Face

My first gig of 2025 was one of King Tuts January showcase gigs as part of their New Years Revolution series with a four band smorgasbord of styles headlined by one of my “25 for ‘25” tips for great things, Tanzana.

So, was it worth braving sub zero temperatures during a tiring and challenging first week back at work following the festive period when I could just have retreated under a warm blanket in front of The Traitors? 

I knew from the first bars of Save Face’s first tune, the cunningly titled Intro, that they alone would have been worth the trip.… Read the rest

Children of Gaza Benefit – Scorpio Leisure, Kirsten Adamson, The Filthy Tongues, The Countess of Fife, The Rezillos – Voodoo Rooms

The last gig of 2024 for me was a late addition to the gig calendar, at a hastily arranged (and quickly sold out) gig arranged by Fay and Martin. I did swither over it, what with getting over bruised ribs and a sprained ankle, the weather being miserable and the thought of getting home afterwards. However, the deal was sealed as the reason for the gig was to raise money for the children of Gaza/Palestine, which, if anyone follows my socials will know is a subject close to my heart. And of course the line-up featured some of the best acts Scotland has to offer…

I’ve said this before, but I think the future is in gigs with loads of bands playing short sets and a quick change over in between.… Read the rest

David Luximon – A Certain Frame of Reference

The previous album from Perthshire (my second home!) lad David Luximon, Duty of Care, was a long term fixture in my turntable, however, like happens so often, events arose to avoid me from writing about it. With the arrival of A Certain Frame of Reference I was damn sure I wouldn’t make the same omission this time around, so here it is, like many of my reviews this year, better mate than never.

Opening with a yearning and atmospheric fiddle, the craving longing at the heart of I’m Taking You For a Drive had me hooked from the off, the song is heartachingly beautiful, a sense of burning desire and love palpable in the sweet melody and adoring lyrics.… Read the rest

December Singles Round Up – Part 5 – Guided By Voices, The Cides, English Teacher, Onat Önol, Middle Class Guilt, Everyone Says Hi, Lightnin’ Truck, benefits

Guided by Voices – The Great Man

Probably one of the most productive bands in the planet seemingly releasing an album every time I turn around, whether in the guise of Guided By Voices or offshoot Cub Scout Bowling Pins. The Great Man comes from the bands 41st album The Universe released in February and is a comment on all the “great men” in world politics… ahem.

Guided By Voices

The Cides – The Rebel

Latest single from The Cides who have appeared in the roundup a few times. The song harks back to the old mantra in the late 70s that punk wasn’t a style of music but an attitude, with lyrics acknowledging that there is a “rebel inside me” and with a desire to make a difference…to take action against injustice.… Read the rest

Tulsaqueen – October – Album Review

Still running to catch up trying to get a load of album reviews done before I finally decide on my end of year lists…

October has, unsurprisingly given its title, been out in the wild so to speak for a while now, just like many of the albums I’ve enjoyed and still not written about yet… 

The debut Tulsaqueen album was an absolute delight, and as such I had great expectations for October, expectations which were smashed on first listen, as the album made its mark immediately and indelibly. It has a suave, laidback and unassuming style with arrangements that really get under the skin, there is a sparse and somewhat fragile beauty within the quiet assertiveness of the songs, with gently strummed guitar and bewitching vocals forming the core of the songs which captured my imagination and pull me into a mesmerising and mythical parallel Lynchian Twin Peaks dream universe. … Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – Interview with Fay Fife

The Countess of Fife, the solo project from the iconic Fay Fife have recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for their second album, the follow up to their well-received and critically acclaimed debut the Star of the Sea. The current campaign, for the album A Woman of Certain Wisdom ends on November 22nd, with plenty of tempting packages to attract the discerning music fan.


I met up with Fay recently in Coffee Saints in Edinburgh to catch up with her (and Harris – her beautiful Golden Retriever, who enjoyed his pup cup) on all things Countess of Fife and navigating the music industry in the 21st Century.… Read the rest

Shrunken Head Promotions present Thee Scarecrows aka in Glasgow

It was a Saturday of highs and lows. The highs? Back to back plays of the stunning new album from The Cure, Songs From a Lost World, a record that is going to be top of so many end of year “Album of the Year” lists. The lows? My football team’s unbeaten run ended… well not so much ended as was ripped asunder with a humiliating annihilation at Hampden…

Nothing else for it, who cares about the football  anyway? There is music to be enjoyed…

If you missed out because you didn’t heed the recommendations and low ticket warnings, more fool you as you missed a quite extraordinary experience.… Read the rest