Gates of Light – Gates of Light II – Album Review

If you enjoy the electro-clash synth sounds of Alison Goldfrapp you’re going to love the new album from Louise Quinn’s current project, Gates of Light. And when I say love, you better believe I mean luv, L-U-V…

Gates of Light II from the former A Band Called Quinn singer/songwriter is a compelling listen, at times the smooth electronic rhythms are soothingly hypnotic while later shifting gear into vibrant joy inducing driving beats.

Better Now is a case in point for the former, a blissed out synth driven feel good anthem, just close your eyes and allow yourself to be engulfed with the sonic soundscape and drift off into the ether as the soothing sounds medication to ease the worst of days, before you know it you have surrendered yourself and you are a willing captive to the sublime sounds of I Keep Reaching for the Sun, and despite the bitter cold outside you’re now lying back in the grass, the hazy summer sun forcing you to squint as you drift away into your subconscious.… Read the rest

f.o. machete – Mother of a Thousand – Album Review

After an extended hiatus of a dozen or so years, the mighty machete returned to the fray in style around this time last year with a live show supporting another legendary Scottish band who had also returned after too long out of the limelight. That show in Room 2 featuring The Hedrons and f.o. machete will live long in the memory, both bands at the top of their game, with The Hedrons celebrating the release of their long awaited sophomore album and f.o. machete quite obviously just stoked to be back playing live. Now it is f.o. machete’s turn to release a new album, their hotly anticipated follow up to My First Machete.… Read the rest

Exotica – Sleep and Release – EP Review

Exotica is one of the most recents projects involving the talented Gregor Dick of Hyper Reel, Bela and the Lugosis and a host of others. I mention those two projects in particular to give a feel for the range of musical genres and styles he can lend his hand to, Sleep and Release is an entirely different prospect to the early 80s post punk of Hyper Reel or the Goth Glam of Bela.

Gregor is the brainchild of Exotica which also features the talents of trumpet player Ali Henry and producer Samual Joseph Smith. The four tracks on offer on this musical trip, and I say that with both meanings in mind, Sleep and Release is a sonic odyssey, one in which the textured woozy soundscapes take you to another plain, the aural equivalent of mind expanding drugs..… Read the rest

Tulsaqueen – October – Album Review

Still running to catch up trying to get a load of album reviews done before I finally decide on my end of year lists…

October has, unsurprisingly given its title, been out in the wild so to speak for a while now, just like many of the albums I’ve enjoyed and still not written about yet… 

The debut Tulsaqueen album was an absolute delight, and as such I had great expectations for October, expectations which were smashed on first listen, as the album made its mark immediately and indelibly. It has a suave, laidback and unassuming style with arrangements that really get under the skin, there is a sparse and somewhat fragile beauty within the quiet assertiveness of the songs, with gently strummed guitar and bewitching vocals forming the core of the songs which captured my imagination and pull me into a mesmerising and mythical parallel Lynchian Twin Peaks dream universe. … Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – Interview with Fay Fife

The Countess of Fife, the solo project from the iconic Fay Fife have recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for their second album, the follow up to their well-received and critically acclaimed debut the Star of the Sea. The current campaign, for the album A Woman of Certain Wisdom ends on November 22nd, with plenty of tempting packages to attract the discerning music fan.


I met up with Fay recently in Coffee Saints in Edinburgh to catch up with her (and Harris – her beautiful Golden Retriever, who enjoyed his pup cup) on all things Countess of Fife and navigating the music industry in the 21st Century.… Read the rest

Scorpio Leisure – Audio Pleasure – Album review

The witching hour edges ever closer. The album launch gig (or should I say release gig – especially for Coco) for this majestic brooding masterpiece in Edinburgh’s Voodoo Rooms on 19th July looms large. I for one am expecting nothing less than a spectacular show from this singularity unconventional quartet who are currently one of Scotland’s most exciting music exports. To coin a phrase oft made by the bands manager “you should go”! 

Audio Pleasure is a uniquely bewitching album from a band like no other, each member brings something different to the mix from their varied backgrounds in several Scottish bands from across the decades.… Read the rest

Xan Tyler – Holding Up Half the Sky – Album review

This month Xan Tyler follows up her 2021 sunshine-swathed reggae-tinged album with The Mad Professor, Clarion Call, with her latest album Holding Up Half the Sky. The new album is an altogether different prospect than its predecessor, leaving behind the reggae influence and adding an intriguing gamut of alluring instrumentation, I’m no expert but is that flutes, oboes and tubas I hear being used among others to dreamily dramatic effect? The album retains the feel of basking in the sunshine, but this time musically reflecting those relaxed dog day afternoons languishing in the balmy heat with a dreamy listlessness, an album that with any luck will herald in the start of the summer after a long dreary wet winter.… Read the rest

Scorpio Leisure Apology EP cover

Scorpio Leisure – Apology E.P. review

2024 is set to be a bumper year for releases by some of the Scottish music scene’s rising talents. Not satisfied with the release of their self titled debut album later in the year, Edinburgh based post-punk supergroup Scorpio Leisure release their 4 track EP, Apology this month, a treat for those who have a voracious appetite for the band’s music and need an amuse-bouche to keep them going ahead of the main course.

The band is the coming together of like-minded friends and musicians from a variety of bands past and present, representing a cross section of the alternative music scene, all throwing their individual styles and influences into the melting pot and resulting in the serving up of an unconventionally unique and luscious offering in their own inimitable style.… Read the rest

The Filthy Tongues

The Filthy Tongues and Scorpio Leisure – Òran Mor, Glasgow

All photos courtesy of Chris Hogge Photography Chris Hogge (@chrishoggephotography) • Instagram photos and videos

What a start to the gig year this has been. Already having been entertained by some of the country’s best rising talents in January, my February gigs dawned with a double header from two bands featuring legends of the Scottish alt music scene. Fire Engines, Win, Boots for Dancing and Gin Goblins amongst the bands featuing members of Scorpio Leisure while headliners The Filthy Tongues of course featuring the well-kent inimitable trio of Metcalfe, Kelly and Fin of Goodbye Mr MacKenzie fame, now more than embedding themselves in the story of Scottish music with these songs revealing their even darker more foreboding side… because of course Goodbye Mr MacKenzie songs were all bunny rabbits and flowers weren’t they…?… Read the rest

24 (and a bit) for ’24

When I started doing this little feature a few years ago, I didn’t consider having to add another to the list each year… but hey, there is plenty to look forward to already in 2024, new bands, older bands returning, albums, singles, re-releases and gigs. In no particular order, but starting with the earliest one in the calendar…

  1. Tina Sandwich and Sister Madds – Already having produced one of my favourite single sof both of the last 2 years, Tina Sandwich were part of the line up at my first gig of 2023 at King Tuts New Years Revolution. On 6th of January Tina’s back at the same venue but this time as headliner!
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