The Wildhearts – Glasgow Garage – The Satanic Rites Tour

All photographs courtesy of Chris Hogge Photography.

My gig going has been somewhat curtailed recently, with tickets going to waste for several events due to, what’s that diplomatic phrase again…circumstances beyond my control… let’s leave it at that. I suppose there is a certain irony in that. Life has been really stressful recently and one of the things that relieves the stresses of life is the first thing that seemed to  fall through the cracks. 

I’m not gonna lie, but for several reasons, I hasten to add, none of them to do with music, gigs or The Wildhearts, I wasn’t particularly relishing going out after an infernally early start, a long day and a drive home that also meant missing both of the nights support bands. … Read the rest

Three ‘n’ Eights – Leopard Print Hearts – album review

I believe I once commented in a live review something along the lines of Three ‘n’ Eights being the ultimate party starters, a band that will have your foot tapping from the very first note, but more importantly by the end of their set you’ll no longer be in control of yer dancin’ feet.

I mean, part of that might be the levels of drink imbibed on occasion, but all joking aside, I challenge even the soberest of souls not to find their feet moving of their own accord, and unconscious smiles breaking out across the most miserable of faces while listening to the fourteen slices of rabble rousing anthems from this gallus group who never fail to bring the shenanigans to the shindig.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Part 8

The bumper final part of the January singles round up… including a link to the playlist for all January’s singles.

Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs – Stitches

As another taster for their forthcoming album Death Hilarious following up last years Detroit, the Black Sabbath-esque pulsating doom metal throb of Stitches is a tempting aural amuse-bouche, whetting the appetite for what auricular delights the album will serve up.

Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs

Ian Donaldson – Just Another Rock n Roll Song

January’s offering from the ex H2O frontman comes from his latest album, Dreams From Tenement Land, Just Another Rock n Roll Song once again focuses on a subject familiar to his solo work, with Donaldson in reflective mood once more, this joyous celebration of life and music, looking back on his love for Glam Rock, glamming away his Saturday nights, the impact and influences on him in his youth forming the basis for his career in music.… Read the rest

Hens Bens – World’s Strongest Band – Album Review

Do you miss off the wall 70s eccentrics Devo? Do you yearn for the cartoon rave-punk of Hadouken!? Are the three Michael’s (and The Shoe of course!) of Slime City one of your favourite live bands? Do you revel in the music of Glasgow legends The Mickey 9’s? If you answered “yes” to any, or all, of the above, then your new favourite band comes in the form of the anarchic comic-nihilism of Hens Bens.

The bands genre-bending debut album is World’s Strongest Band, thirteen tracks of chaotic electro-punk pandemonium. You could equally change one of the vowels in the album title and it would be equally true, the music being so radically leftfield in its offbeat eccentricity, and with some riotously outlandish lyrical tales meaning its general weirdness causes a wide grin to spread across this listener’s face.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Part 7

Vampire Slumber Party – Polka King Of the Midwest

Part seven begins with a joyous blast of full throttle pop punk in the form of this boisterous three minute anthem from London based Vampire Slumber Party, it’s like the early noughties all over again.

Vampire Slumber Party

Gypsy Pistoleros – Whatever Happened to the Old Town

Another earnest glam punk rocker from the greasepaint daubed Gypsy Pistoleros, the lyrics initially yearning for time gone by, before the mid song tempo rise tells a different story “I ran away from the old town” sings Gypsy Lee Postolero, before the song closes out in more meditative mood as he ruminates about “home”.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Part 6

Swervedriver – Volume Control

The last part of the round up finished with Miki Berenyi, one of the most recognisable vocalist/guitarists of the 1990s indie scene fronting Lush. The part starts with one of the prime movers in the shoegaze scene of the era, blasting into the scene with mighty juggernauts of sound like Son of Mustang Ford. The band now have 6 albums under their belts and in January released this track from a new EP coming in March.


Ditz – Four

Four is one of the highlights of the bands new album, Never Exhale, the follow up to the potent debut, The Great Regression.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Pt 5

Gates of Light – Advance

An incessant drum beat underlining Louise Quinn’s shimmering vocal gives way to an intense throbbing electro baseline (that somehow gives me 1980s TV show Miami Vice vibes) which gets under the skin as Louise’s breathy dreamlike, almost otherworldly, vocal begins to take hold and give you a woozy spaced out feeling that entrances you and you can’t help but let yourself be taken under its spell.

Gates of Light

Sweet Unrest – How Are You Feeling?

The energy ramps up several notches when Sweet Unrest pick up the baton and runs with it, pounding staccato drums set the furious pace picked up by frenetic guitar bursts, everything coming together like an inescapable burning fireball hurtling towards earth.… Read the rest

Sultans of Ping FC & Meryl Streek – Live at St Lukes

At 16:00 today my plan was a lazy Saturday night in front of the telly, probably moaning about the shite that was on, probably involving at some point three of the unfunniest people on the planet, Michael fucking McIntyre and the talentless dullards from Tyneside, haudit and daudit who are constantly laughing at us as they gratefully take their millions earned purely for being halfwits.

By 16:15 though, my plans were turned on their head by the gracious intervention of several folks. including Meryl Streek himself, after a fortuitous visit to Mr Tony Gaughan’s veritable music emporium, the mighty Blitzkrieg opposite the best music venue in the world, Glasgow Barrowland.… Read the rest

The Best of ‘24

Life has kind of caught up on me this year and I’ve pretty much missed the boat for “Best of 2024” lists, so this is probably a much abridged version than published in previous years.

2024 was another phenomenal year for music with a myriad of new albums and EPs from bands old and new, a cornucopia of singles (725 in total across the years singles round up playlists (links below)) and a plethora of brilliant live experiences.

For anything not mentioned here, just take a trip through last year’s blogs and you’ll find many other joys to treat your eardrums and warm your souls.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Pt 3

A mix of the old and new on part three with established acts such as Gareth Sager rubbing shoulder with the new breed in the shape of Vanderlye and others.

The Yets – Enemy

The duo from South Carolina open up part three of January’s round up with this dreamily ethereal alt rock song. The Enemy channels elements of Medicine and their ilk and wouldn’t have sounded out of place on the soundtrack for the original Crow movie.

The Yets

Vanderlye – Romantic Anarchy

A close second to Tanzana for single of the month is this slice of heaven from another of my hopes for greater things, Vanderlye.… Read the rest