TBBI Miss Shaker

Singles Round-up

Loads of great singles blasting out in the Ginger Quiff towers just now. Where to start…

The Best Bad Influence

One of the hardest gigging bands on the scene just now are the phenomenally talented three-piece The Best Bad Influence. They seem to be ubiquitous currently. Every time I look on social media, I see them announcing more live dates.  If someone were to ask me to name one band I want to be huge it is this pack of young wolves, so it gave me a huge rush to see that they hadn’t only announced more live dates recently but had dropped a new single.… Read the rest

The Armory Show Poster

The Armory Show – Live: King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut – Glasgow

Now and then a gig creeps up on you, one you have been looking forward to it, but has been slightly under your radar, life takes over and the night arrives without you really realising it.  You’re expecting a good performance, but then the band strike up the first chords…

Last night was a case in point, The Armory Show (not a mis-spell) surpassed all expectations, speaking to several others after the gig, I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.


It had already been a week of revelations and back stories. Having already attended a preview of Mystify, a revealing documentary about INXS frontman, the charismatic Michael Hutchence, which filled in several blanks, revealing the tragic events which subsequently led to his behaviour changes and triggered the chain of events that led to his sad and untimely death.… Read the rest

Quotes of the Dead Twist or Stick

Quotes of the Dead – Twist or Stick – new single

Today sees the release of the new single and video from Glasgow’s Quotes of the Dead. The song Twist or Stick is a gloriously feisty three and a half minutes of alternative/indie guitar rock with a sinister undertone.

Seemingly telling the seedy tale of several unsavoury characters and their unconventional habits after dark… “welcome to the party where the rooms are painted red, bring a plus one and join me in my bed…” The song is both intensely dark and uncompromising while retaining an upbeat groove. Animated riffing and high-spirited melodies form the backbone to the track as the guitars soar and the resounding roll of the bass verges on ska phrasing on occasion.… Read the rest

Curdle album cover

Spotlight on Curdle


Curdle is a 4 piece Glasgow-based band playing their unique blend of riot grrl infused goth horror punk with lashings of 1960s trippy pop psychedelia for good meassure.

The band consists of:

Wiggy – Guitar, Bass, Theremin, Vocals
Sarah – Guitar, Bass, Synth, Vocals
Clare – Drums
Lucy – Guitar, Bass, Backing Vocals

Their mesmerising debut album is receiving a vinyl release later in the year on the wonderful Double A Side records. (I recently revisited this for a review on the site). The band kindly took some time out of their busy schedule to speak to the Ginger Quiff.… Read the rest

Run Into the Night ft Martin Metcalfe Mon Cheri

Martin Metcalfe and Co…

There has been a flurry of activity from Martin Metcalfe and associated acts this week.

The Filthy Tongues

First up, the Filthy Tongues dropped a clip of a new song at the start of the week. Mummy Can’t Drive sounds very Bowie-esque to me. Featuring Marie Claire Lee who has been ably filling Shirley Manson’s shoes on recent Goodbye Mr MacKenzie dates, is this a little taster of what is to come from the third album in the trilogy? I hope so…

Goodbye Mr MacKenzie

Talking of Goodbye Mr MacKenzie, Good Deeds and Dirty Rags finally has an official release date and a flourish of promotional activity announced that this week.… Read the rest

16 Years Scottish Club Gigs in Scorland 1974-1990

Spotlight on – 16 Years: Gigs in Scotland 1974 – 1990

Do you love live music?

Are you (or were you), like me, a regular gig-goer, and some of your best live experiences were in the small venues where you can see the whites of the eyes of the bands?

Did you attend club-sized gigs in the late seventies or eighties early on in a bands career?

Do you just like music and are interested in seeing pictures and other memorabilia from club gigs around Scotland?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, then there is a book for you in the off-ing. Read on to find out more, but consider as you read, the success of this venture is down to you… and you…and you…Don’t just read this, think “that sounds great”, then continue surfing the net or scrolling through facebook.… Read the rest

Adventures of Salvador Welcome to Our Village

Adventures of Salvador – Welcome to Our Village – album review

Do you miss The Fall, those undeniable grumbling vocals from the late and much loved curmudgeon Mark E Smith? If so, you could do a lot worse than get yer lugs round Adventures of Salvador, a band doing a sterling job of filling the void.

Welcome to their world…

In the space of the 3 minutes 40 seconds of opening track, Girl With the Broken Face on their Welcome to Our Village album I am dragged in several directions, the song appearing to draw on the jangly guitar sound of early Happy Mondays, through the weird genius of Eat to the twisted acerbic Manc drawl of everyone’s favourite miserable bastard the aforementioned Mark E Smith.… Read the rest

The Kidney Flowers album cover

The Kidney Flowers – The Kidney Flowers: album review

Glasgow’s The Kidney Flowers have been gripping me recently with their rousing frenetic 11-track self-titled album. It has regularly been spinning on my turntable, kicking several shades of shit out of my speakers.

Ferocious Trashy Garage Modern Blues

This vital 3-piece, Grant on guitar/vocals, Sean on bass and Abigail on drums, play a ferociously sparkling blend of trashy garage modern blues. Unrelentless for the entirety, the instinctively primeval vocals over fuzzed-up guitars and a solid rhythm section pummel you into submission. Seriously good music, but without being po-faced or overly solemn.


Addictive bass heralds the mysterious Small Fingers, introducing incessant post-punk guitar riffing, while T-Rex glam stylings make an appearance on Underneath Her Thumb.… Read the rest

Baby Shakes

Baby Shakes – Live, The Flying Duck, Glasgow

I love a good gig, and usually have a few to look forward to weeks or months in advance. There is something to be said though for Impromptu gig nights. The other night in Glasgow was a case in point.

I’d seen the Baby Shakes gig advertised and had swithered whether I should go, mid-week, last few days before I’m off for a couple of weeks so busy at work. I’d unconsciously put a mental x against it as one of those, I’d like to go, but I’ll stay in.

Of course, if that had been the case, there wouldn’t have been much more to write about.… Read the rest

Curdle album cover

Curdle – Curdle -Album Review

Not officially a “new” album as such, but as the album has just earned itself a vinyl release on Double A Side Records (having appeared on the wonderful Play it Like a Woman compilation), now is as good a time as any to revel in my love of the music of Curdle. A band who seem to announce a new live date every couple of days, and I can never get to any of them … as I keep saying, maybe next time.

I first came across the band when they supported Dead Hope in Glasgow’s Old Hairdressers and fell in love with the dark but uplifting racket they made, making sure I purchased the album on its release.… Read the rest