Jo Jo and the Teeth album cover

Jo Jo & the Teeth – No More Good News – album review

This album already appeared in my round up review of 2022 as one of my top 30 albums of the year, despite not having posted a review earlier in the year. The album was on heavy rotation towards the end of the 2022 and since the turn of the year, it has been my go to album virtually every day. I can’t get enough of it. No More Good News? While that album title pretty much sums up exactly how I felt about 2022, it certainly doesn’t sum up the music of Jo Jo and the Teeth – the music on this album is ALL Good News.… Read the rest

Buzz Cutz 2

Buzz Cutz Pt 2 – Jo Carley & the Old Dry Skulls, Witch Fever, Unholy Frankenstein, The Bloody Nerve

As I typed the band names in the second of a series of shorter reviews, I realised there was an unintentional distinctly Halloweeny feel about the four bands in this blog (I know, it December now…but I like the element of spooky compatibility), despite the very different music styles. I’ll just say that I meant it and it was all part of the master plan, however much of a lie that may be…

Jo Carley & the Old Dry Skulls – I’ll Put My Voodoo on You

Jo Carley and the Old Dry Skulls returned with another hypnotic collection of gothic/horror-tinged swamp rockabilly trash blues, Jo drawing you in on opening track Alligator Blues with a darkly seductive introduction “It’s me, I am Jo” unsuspectingly capturing your soul as you become ensnared under her spell, the enticing allure continuing a couple of tracks later when she warns “I’ll put my voodoo on you” on the title track and such is her charm and charisma, you don’t want to resist.… Read the rest

The Gracious Losers Six Road Ends

The Gracious Losers – Six Road Ends – album review

Continuing in their quest to cause me marital grief due to the ever increasing number of vinyl arrivals, Last Night From Glasgow released the latest album from The Gracious Losers last week.

This supremely talented collective have come together once again to create a sublime soundtrack to my various trips around Scotland for work this week. 

Last Night From Glasgow Patreon

Taking these soul soothing tunes with me reminds me to mention that, if vinyl isn’t your thing, and I’m not judging, you can join in the party with a monthly subscription that allows you to access all the labels releases in digital format.… Read the rest

Aw Naw

Aw Naw – No Again EP review

Aw Naw? The only aw naw moment here is that it’s taken me so long to get around to getting a review uploaded for the debut EP, No Again from Aw Naw.

Everything about this EP is Aw Yass. With the three tracks ranging from the sublime (Secret Face) to the mirthful (Demon Drink).

The Demon Drink tells the story of an empty at Big Stevie’s. Or more precisely, the effects of a certain type of wreck the hoose juice on the protagonist. The lyrics will have you laughing and cringing as you realise you’ve either met (or been) that person at house parties.… Read the rest

New York Junk Dreaming

New York Junk – Dreaming – mini album review

New York Junk are one of those quintessential NYC bands. As soon as you listen to the songs you know where their origins lie, not just because the style of their music rests well with the icons of the New York City alternative an punk scene of the 60s/70s but also because the subject matter of their lyrics often reflects topics relating to the Big Apple or tackles the issues the city faces.

It seems only right then that the band release their new record, Dreaming, on Astoria, NY based label, Tarbeach Records. The record follows hot on the heels of another ex B-Girl Cynthia Ross related release, last year’s glorious ElectraJets Transatlantic Tales album, one of my albums of the year for 2019.… Read the rest

Johnny Iguana

The Claudettes: Johnny Iguana Interview

Chicago’s piano blues based jazzsters with added rockabilly flare and punk attitude The Claudettes recently released their stunning new album High Times in the Dark. Reviewed by yours truly for Louder Than War. Shortly thereafter, their touring plans (along with those of every other band) to promote the record, including a trip over the Atlantic to the UK, fell foul of COVID 19. Leaving 2020 as a barren gigless wasteland.  

Johnny Iguana

Lead Claudette and pianist extraordinaire, Johnny Iguana, took some time out to share some thoughts on the lockdown brought about by the pandemic, the new album, and the current world-wide climate.… Read the rest