Coming at you from Glasgow, via that apparent hotbed of crime, Shetland (if the BBC series is to be believed) is the gloriously ramshackle chic of Middle Class Guilt who have decided we are ready for them to lay all that pent up guilt at our doors. We should all be truly grateful to be allowed the opportunity to let this into our lives.
The four songs that make up the the EP are an eclectic and somewhat eccentric mix – a bit like The Fall meets Fat White Family meets The Amazing Snakeheads, all thrown into a magimix, with the resultant new flavour delighting the taste buds while fucking a bit with your head as you wonder just what you have experienced, but desperate for some more…
The lead song, Part Evil, At Least has a sinister edge to it, as befits a song with such a title, but despite this underlying air of menace, it also has hints of a ska melody that will give you itchy feet.… Read the rest