Drunk Gods

Drunk Gods are a 3 piece from Lanarkshire, Scotland. Having previously played together as Gobstopper, Ewan released the debut “Drunk Gods” album in 2014 and got the members of Gobstopper back together to play the songs live.

I recently caught up with Drunk Gods main man Ewan McGhee to talk about what motivated him to make and release Drunk Gods. I also wanted to find out what is next for Drunk Gods.

Drunk Gods Album

The first track on the album is “What’s Ma Motivation?”, so what is your motivation?

‘What’s Ma Motivation?’ Well, at the time when I was writing and recording the album, there was very little music around that I found exciting and provocative.

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Kiss This – Tarbeach NYC in Glasgow

Glasgow music fans are in for a treat on the 9th of September.
3 of the top current Scottish punk bands are playing at an event called “Kiss This” in Broadcast. All Tarbeach Records labelmates, the event is in association with Vive Le Rock magazine. Glasgow legends The Zips, Airdrie’s very own ReAction and current hot property Heavy Drapes are getting together to put on a not to be missed show. They will be joined by well kent face on the Glasgow music scene, Danny Mac (Testifying Time Radio Show) as compere for the night.
I caught up with the multi-talented Joe Whyte (ReAction & Jericho Hill guitarist and scribe for Vive Le Rock and Louder Than War) to find out more….
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Meditation isn’t just for Hippies!

Meditation? – It’ll never work for me!

If you’re anything like me, when someone first suggested meditating to help me deal with my anxiety & depression I laughed.

At the time my mental image of meditation was of someone sitting cross-legged on the floor, arms outstretched, middle fingers touching their thumbs and chanting “ohhhmm”. Nothing like stereotyping eh?

Of course, I was wrong. I know it won’t work for everyone and not all meditations work for me either. Everyone has different strategies to deal with their own mental health. Meditation is only one of the tools in my box too.

What works for me?
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The Cundeez – Ehm Feelin Teckle

Its Saturday morning and ehm feelin’ teckle!

From the moment the cymbals, guitar & moothie (harmonica) start off this feel good tune, I defy you not get on your feet and dance. Even as I’m listening to it again as I’m typing this I’m finding in hard to sit still!

Continuing the Dundee theme from the last post, new single from The Cundeez hit my inbox this morning and what a way to kick off the weekend, its set me up to tackle anything.

If you have been fortunate enough to have seen the band live, you’ll know what an entertaining treat it is.… Read the rest

Delinquents – About Last Night

delinquents – david hennessey

Delinquents are a 3 piece punk band from Dundee. They are David Hennessey – Guitar/Bass/Vocals, Graeme Jackson – Guitar/Bass/Vocals & Ryan Hughes – Drums. The band are releasing their debut album on 29th September. The official launch is at Punktoberfest in Dundee in October.

I caught up with David recently to ask him about the band and their album, and what it was like being in a punk band in Dundee. I also managed to get my hands on a copy of their CD and have shared my thoughts below.

Thegingerquiff – How did Delinquents come about?… Read the rest

Strung Out Nights EP reviews


Strung Out Nights is the brainchild of Fudgie McFadden (once of The Cherry Reds). Basically it is him and his acoustic guitar.

Fudgie: “I had written a song called Better Days when I was still in the Cherry Reds which at the time didn’t fit in with the sound and was also a song I didn’t feel comfortable playing live as it was very different and personal. But once I had left, I was inspired by the likes of The Homeless Gospel Choir, Pat The Bunny, Mischief Brew and Days N Daze to just say “f*ck it” and try out the acoustic thing.”

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Cud live in Glasgow! At long last, I’ve waited a long time for this one.

Judging by some of the folk I met tonight, I’m not the only one!

As folk started to take up their positions stage front, I got talking to a couple of other lone gig goers. Both were from Cud’s neck of the woods originally, Wakefield and Leeds to be precise. Like me they had both waited a long time for this. For Kirsty it was 26 years since she saw them last and for Mark it was going to be the first time he’d seen them.… Read the rest

Dead Hope – Songs from the Second Floor – Album and gig


I ticked 2 new boxes last week.

I went to the Old Hairdressers for a gig for the first time (tick 1). That gig was by Dead Hope who were launching their debut album “Songs from the Second Floor” (tick 2).

I’d be promising Keith that I would go to see them every time they’ve played a gig. Unfortunately I had missed every one to date. Due to a prior engagement, I wasn’t sure if I’d make this one either. In the end, I got there in time to see the last few songs by support band, Curdle.… Read the rest

Music is My Escape – using music as a coping strategy

Music is my Escape……..I posted this image on Facebook some time ago. However, I only recently took some time to really think about what this means to me. Mainly in terms of music being one of my “strategies” to deal with anxiety/depression.

I know there are many people who have different ways of dealing with their own mental health. Music isn’t something that helps everyone, but for me it is important.

I’m in a good place thanks to strategies I have in place. That includes using this blog as kind of a therapy. I have dealt with anxiety and depression for some time.… Read the rest

There is a Night that Never Goes Out…..

I had a catch up with an old friend the other day. I say “old” friend as it was only when we talked we realised just how long we’d known each other! That friend is Robert Winning and when we spoke we realised it must have been about 26 years ago when we first met.

It was 1991 and I’d been to see Morrissey at the Caird Hall in Dundee. The gig had finished early after around an hour as Morrissey was losing his voice. He was due to be playing the following night at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow. … Read the rest