It is that time of year again, when we look forward to … General Elections??
Stuff the majority of those turkeys spewing forth their lies and wallowing in the glow of their own over-inflated egos, making grandiose gestures while viewing everything around them as a mere obstacle on their way to power. Sod the truth, with some notable exceptions they will say whatever it takes to get into power so they can then fuck everyone over in their own inimitable style.
I used to enjoy following the comings and goings in the world of politics, but it has become such a real-life parody that even the best comedians must struggle to lampoon certain individuals and the ridiculousness demonstrated by their lack of self-awareness.
Only Music Can Save Us Now
Thankfully, we still have music. As a badge on one of my jackets proclaims “Only music can save us now”.
I read an article recently that suggests that the average person stops discovering new music when they reach the age of 28. I have immense pity for those average souls, they are missing out on a cornucopia of wonderful music to thrill and titillate.
Don’t let anyone tell you that there is no new music out there, and don’t be suckered in to the corporate machine that tells you what you have to listen to… Be your own person. Explore. Experiment. Enjoy.
And as for people, like a certain promoter of Glasgow’s annual nedfest, who will try to tell you there are insufficient female acts out there to balance out his testosterone fuelled lazy-arsed attempt at a festival in Scotland’s biggest city. Dismiss. Decry. Denounce. Has he not discovered any new music since he was 28? Judging by his lame attempt at a festival line-up I doubt it. Festivals like Primavera are forward looking. Has he even attempted to seek out what is out there?
So back to the real world…
I recently had to submit a top 5 and top 10 albums of the year to Louder Than War magazine and website. As usual it was a thankless task, how do you narrow it down to 10, far less 5!
Anyway, after I submitted the lists, I had the usual moments of angst, why did I not pick this one, how did I forget about that one… despite this, it is done now and the ten I submitted are as follows. This is by no means the end of the story…
1. The Membranes – What Nature Gives, Nature Takes Away (Cherry Red)
“What Nature Gives…Nature Takes Away is far more than just an album. Like nature itself, it is profound and unstoppable, a Tour De Force, an irresistible masterpiece in four parts. Vivaldi’s Four Seasons for the punk-goth generation if you like.”
Review: The Membranes

2. Shot Balowski – Shot Balowski (Abnormal Product)
“Shot Balowski’s self-titled debut album is a pumped-up powerhouse packed with punk influences whilst retaining a sound of their own“
Review: Shot Balowski

3. Domiciles – This is Not a Zen Garden (Last Night From Glasgow)
“This is a exceptional addition to the labels already burgeoning roster (Last Night From Glasgow) as the band draw from a range of influences creating a hypnotically addictive kaleidoscope of experimental noise.”
Review: Domiciles

4. Tenement & Temple – Tenement & Temple (Thrum)
“Tenement & Temple aka Smillie and Queen, highly sought after legends of the Scottish music scene, have released what is set to be possibly one of the most heart-meltingly beautiful albums of 2019.”
Review: Tenement & Temple

5. Rev Magnetic – Versus Universe (Rock Action)
“Versus Universe is a supreme triumph of other-worldly proportions. If heaven existed, this album is the blissed-out mellifluous music the angels would make.”
Review: Rev Magnetic

6. Jemma Freeman & the Cosmic Something – Oh Really? What’s That Then? (Trapped Animal Recordings)
I only recently came to this album having had it highly recommended by a certain fellow LTW writer. Ged was not wrong. This is one of the essential albums of the year. Listen for yourself. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. While you’re at it, read the insightful interview with Ged on LTW.
“For now, this is an album which anyone who values mere pop music as a life-affirming art-form and a salve for the soul needs to hear. Between thought and expression lies a lifetime.”
Review (Ged Babey): Jemma Freeman & the Cosmic Something

7. The Bikini Bottoms – Bikiniland (Mental Records)
“The Bikini Bottoms have an abundance of treasures in their chest to offer. Their distinct sound finds its origin in rock ’n’ roll, while each track on the album leans towards a different era’s or style that has evolved from the genre along the way.”
Review: The Bikini Bottoms

8. Electrajets – Transatlantic Tales (Tarbeach Recordings)
“The album is a glorious ride. The album mixes genres to great effect. The album kicks off on 4am Strangeways with the spirits of Marc Bolan and Mick Ronson taking centre stage, a certain glam rock strut and an infectious brouhaha pervading the majority of the album, continuing into Ladylike Blues, creating a gargantuan thumping glorious noise. “
Review: Electrajets

9. Reverse Cowgirls – Bag O’Bones (self released)
“The album ends with Ride Into the Sun, a huge cinematic soundscape, the mainly instrumental track opens with the refrain fading in before becoming a huge bombastic behemoth of a track as the band plunge headlong into the sun.
Review: Reverse Cowgirls

10. Spearmint – Are You From the Future?
“Spearmint return with an album that reveals itself as a late contender for the end of the year best-of lists. Are You From the Future? lifts the spirits leaving the listener revelling in a disco-infused flamboyant perfect pop haze. “
Review: Spearmint

Ten albums isn’t enough to tell the story of a year that provided me with many hours of listening pleasure, countless new albums and artists and much joy brought by their efforts.
Bubbling Under
So, bubbling under this top ten…
Swervedriver were back with a bang, or should that be a wall of sonorous noise? In Future Ruins, they added fuel to the fire of the resurgence of 1990’s shoegaze. Along with Ride releasing new albums, there are a swathe of current acts producing their take on the genre. The aforementioned Domiciles for one, along with another set of Glasgow noise merchants the mighty Cherry Wave, the shoegaze stalwarts continue to thrill, check them out on bandcamp and do your eardrums some damage.
A special mention to Def Robot, who obviously decided they couldn’t be bothered and went for an easy year…only seven albums released so far. What is keeping you Def Robot? All joking aside…their output is varied and addictively hook-laden, dip your toe in the water and you’ll be lost for hours as you end up drowned in sound as you explore their entire output.
Last Night From Glasgow proved its worth with Bis best album to date and glorious debuts from Broken Chanter and Cloth.
Elsewhere, special mentions to the likes of The Murder Capital and Fontaines DC who have picked up the baton from the likes of Whipping Boy and A House. Amyl & the Sniffers & Miss June leading the antipodean charge (a special mention to Miss June for playing one of my favourite gigs of the year despite only having an audience of a whole 5 people in Glasgow’s Poetry Club, the rest of Glasgow didn’t know what they were missing).
Talking of Glasgow, Kidney Flowers and The Zips kept the garage rockers and punks happy and Curdle finally released their tremendous debut on vinyl.
Ian Prowse released a stunning solo album with some of the strongest songs of his career. Aidan Moffat & RM Hubbert giving us a live memento of their short lived but sweet dalliance. The Wildhearts & Michael Monroe flew the flag for rawk with their punk influenced offerings, while Rats From a Sinking Ship released a slick new long player in We Are Heathen.
And the Rest…
I could go on forever having enjoyed albums from Thirteen, Ryan Hamilton & the Harlequin Ghosts, The Specials, Fragile Gang, The Gold Needles, The Twilight Sad, Queen Zee, Sebadoh, Adventures of Salvador, Tallies, L-Space, The Hold Steady, Spangles, Cockwomble, Tacocat, Ezra Furman, Life… It has been another great year for music.
Roll on 2020
The Ginger Quiff 2019
My Ginger Quiff 2019 Playlist on Spotify has a selection of tracks from albums I’ve reviewed or enjoyed this year along with bands I’ve seen live.
If you look closer its easy to trace, the Tracks of the Year…
As for some of the tracks of the year, non-album related, I’ve also created a separate playlist for these on Spotify (there are a couple I couldnt find on Spotify so check out The Kaplans and 2Sevens too…
Nice to see our song, IOU on your Tracks of my Year, Mr Quiff! Thanks The Zips.