Back in The Hug and Pint for the second time in a week, this time a three band bill put on by Angus from Double A Side records who released Tugboat Captain’s LP, Rut last year.

First up was the wonderfully dark Curdle, a band wholly suited to the month of October with their sinister lyrics and don’t mess attitude fuelled trippy riot grrl pop. I’m just loving being back at live gigs, and making up for lost time, so I’m soaking up every minute of every band I can. Having first seen Curdle supporting Dead Hope in the Old Hairdressers, I’ve been hooked on their music ever since. This is the first time I’ve seen them as a three piece, and in keeping with that theme, they played three new songs and three well-kent Curdle standards, finishing with the absolute belter that is Red to the Elbows.
Special mention to the new songs which I loved. FUUUUCK!, the superb Blood Beat and pick of the bunch, their response to the Everly Brothers murder ballad, Down in the Willow Garden. Named after the cruelly murdered Rose Connolly in the song, this was their chilling response from her perspective. A perfect song for these fucked up times. Fuck the patriarchy and any man who thinks it is okay to abuse, rape or murder women. Back off my soap box for a moment, a special mention must go out to the 4th Curdle for the night, Jane, who provided violin for the song, it absolutely made the song for me, and I was transfixed watching her wrestle a wonderfully atmospheric cacophony towards the end.
I’n not going to lie, Curdle were my main reason for heading out on a Tuesday night to a gig in the West End, but there was no way I was going to miss the fabulous Just Joans, or indeed Tugboat Captain, whose album I will admit passed me by when it came out.
The Just Joans

The tiny Hug and Pint stage just about managed to comfortably accommodate the Paisley/Glasgow based six piece stalwarts of the West of Scotland indie pop scene. It made me wonder how a ska band would cope… Anyway, the band played an absolute blinder, making me kind of regretful that, despite several opportunities, I was only tonight losing my Just Joans live virginity. Jarvis once sang do you remember the first time? I’m happy to report that I will definitely remember this. The pithy lyrics, laced with dark humour and poignancy, along with the solid and addictive indie guitar/keyboards combo had me grinning along for the entire set.
How can you not smile to songs like the Morrisseyesque titled The Older I Get, the More I Don’t Know, or the ode to being single that is If You Don’t Pull, or the tragi-comic Wee Guys (Bobby’s Got a Punctured Lung. The joint vocals from David and Katie along with the clever lyrics and rhyming couplets led me to likening them to a Scottish Beautiful South. Another shout out to a new song, Here Come the Rugby Boys was definitely one highlight of a highlight strewn set.
Tugboat Captain

Tugboat Captain had big boots to fill after those two sets, ad I’m pleased to say that they weren’t phased I the least and made it a triumvirate of quality sets for the evening. Although I was unfamiliar with most of their songs (I’ve since rectified that – sorry Tugboat Captain) I thoroughly enjoyed their energetic and charismatic set. The band were exceedingly tight and the music toe tappingly addictive, the charm offensive extended from their music to their on stage patter, with Buddy Caderni on keyboards providing the most original and entertaining.punting of merchandise from the stage I’ve seen at a gig. A combination of several pints of Heverlee and the bands enthusiastic and fun demeanour onstage had me bouncing along in unison with their choreographed effervescent jumping at the end of their set. Genuine from the heart entertainment.
Kudos to Angus for putting on such an inspired line up. And special thanks to The Hug and Pint which is quickly becoming one of my favourite venues. I really need to make an effort to go along for food, the smell whenever I pop up for a pint is amazing.
The Just Joans – Facebook – Website