As I typed the band names in the second of a series of shorter reviews, I realised there was an unintentional distinctly Halloweeny feel about the four bands in this blog (I know, it December now…but I like the element of spooky compatibility), despite the very different music styles. I’ll just say that I meant it and it was all part of the master plan, however much of a lie that may be…
Jo Carley & the Old Dry Skulls – I’ll Put My Voodoo on You
Jo Carley and the Old Dry Skulls returned with another hypnotic collection of gothic/horror-tinged swamp rockabilly trash blues, Jo drawing you in on opening track Alligator Blues with a darkly seductive introduction “It’s me, I am Jo” unsuspectingly capturing your soul as you become ensnared under her spell, the enticing allure continuing a couple of tracks later when she warns “I’ll put my voodoo on you” on the title track and such is her charm and charisma, you don’t want to resist.… Read the rest