Three ‘n’ Eights – Leopard Print Hearts – album review

I believe I once commented in a live review something along the lines of Three ‘n’ Eights being the ultimate party starters, a band that will have your foot tapping from the very first note, but more importantly by the end of their set you’ll no longer be in control of yer dancin’ feet.

I mean, part of that might be the levels of drink imbibed on occasion, but all joking aside, I challenge even the soberest of souls not to find their feet moving of their own accord, and unconscious smiles breaking out across the most miserable of faces while listening to the fourteen slices of rabble rousing anthems from this gallus group who never fail to bring the shenanigans to the shindig.… Read the rest

King Kurt live

King Kurt & The Three ‘n’ Eights live in Rocknrollas

As the chorus of their opening song says, King Kurt are back again, and the way my body feels this morning, it was the first steps on my own road to rack and ruin. I need to remember in the future I’m a man in my 50s and perhaps wrecking should be in the past. But fuck it, it was King Kurt what was I supposed to do?

My first time in Rocknrolla’s in Paisley and it certainly is an imposing and impressive venue. What wasn’t my first time though was seeing tonight’s support band, The Three ‘n’ Eights. A band who, for the uninitiated, play, in their own inimitable style, their unique combination of country punkabiilly, for want of a better description.… Read the rest

Graveyard Bash 2020

Graveyard Bash 2020 – gig review

My 2020 gig duck is broken. Graveyard Bash 2020, what a way to break it.

I’ve seen all three bands on the same bill previously but this was my first Graveyard Bash. Based on tonight’s experience, it won’t be my last.

Unfortunately, the fourth band on the bill, Thee Girl Fridays, had to pull out, but to be honest (and taking nothing away from them) the night was perfectly formed despite their absence.

There was nothing not to love about the whole package on offer tonight…


Anyone who has been to a gig in McChuills will tell you it is a fantastic wee venue.… Read the rest