Yet another bumper year for new releases by new artists, classic re-issues and comebacks from some old favourites.
Despite what the salivating broadcasters and media will have you believe, there was so much more to the year than a new album by A****e, the banality of which didn’t even register on the gingerquiff seismograph such was its insignificance in the shadow of so much in the way of superb and exciting music that moved me. (Yes, I know she has a great voice, but oh so dull).
Anyway, no more focussing on negatives, There were so many remarkable albums this year that, once again, I can’t narrow them down to my ten favourites, so before I run down my Top 10 albums of the year, here are those…
In 11th Place (in no particular order)…
It was so hard to leave anyone out this year, I have loved records by so many wonderful and diverse bands and artists.… Read the rest