Children of Gaza Benefit – Scorpio Leisure, Kirsten Adamson, The Filthy Tongues, The Countess of Fife, The Rezillos – Voodoo Rooms

The last gig of 2024 for me was a late addition to the gig calendar, at a hastily arranged (and quickly sold out) gig arranged by Fay and Martin. I did swither over it, what with getting over bruised ribs and a sprained ankle, the weather being miserable and the thought of getting home afterwards. However, the deal was sealed as the reason for the gig was to raise money for the children of Gaza/Palestine, which, if anyone follows my socials will know is a subject close to my heart. And of course the line-up featured some of the best acts Scotland has to offer…

I’ve said this before, but I think the future is in gigs with loads of bands playing short sets and a quick change over in between.… Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – Interview with Fay Fife

The Countess of Fife, the solo project from the iconic Fay Fife have recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for their second album, the follow up to their well-received and critically acclaimed debut the Star of the Sea. The current campaign, for the album A Woman of Certain Wisdom ends on November 22nd, with plenty of tempting packages to attract the discerning music fan.


I met up with Fay recently in Coffee Saints in Edinburgh to catch up with her (and Harris – her beautiful Golden Retriever, who enjoyed his pup cup) on all things Countess of Fife and navigating the music industry in the 21st Century.… Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – Star of the Sea – album review

Those who pledged to Fay Fife & Co’s Kickstarter campaign will be delighted to finally hear the realisation of the fruits of The Countess of Fife’s labours with the release of the CD and digital versions of the album Star of the Sea*, and a launch gig in Glasgow’s Glad Cafe on Friday.

If you haven’t been fortunate to pick up on this project so far from the fireball of frantic energy who is the spirited front woman of the mighty Rezillos alongside Eugene Reynolds, The Countess of Fife is an altogether different proposition from the interstellar punk ‘n’ roll of The Rezillos.… Read the rest

The Countess of Fife Live EP

The Countess of Fife – Live EP – review

The quality lockdown releases are coming thick and fast. With the lack of ability to go crate digging in these times, I’m relying on one of my favourite people just now, the postman, to bring me my regular fix.

This week has seen a few quality releases drop on the doormat including the new 4 track live EP from The Countess of Fife. The EP dropped hot on the heels of their debut online live performance, and arrived with me just shy of last nights second such event. This was one of the best online sets I’ve seen since I started attending remote gigs…

Powerful rich vocal

I first heard the band when they supported Goodbye Mr MacKenzie on their triumphant return to Glasgow’s Garage last May when I wrote: “The Countess of Fife, the band fronted by Fay Fife of Rezillos fame, still drew a substantial crowd.… Read the rest