Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Part 2

Six more of the best music January had to offer with the exceptional debut from Tanzana, an anti-Trump anthem from Smoking Pope’s, Amy adding an extra layer of brilliance to Bob Vylan, another anthem from singles round up stalwarts pMad, Glasgow post rock legends Mogwai and hypnotic trip rock from Heartworms.

pMad – Feed

pMad are more or less a permanent feature in the singles round up, releasing a steady stream of consistently top quality gothic tinged dark post punk singles over the last few years. Feed is no exception, with an anti-capitalist sentiment st its core, “the life of a value is more important than the value of a life”.… Read the rest

Review of the Year

Review of the the Year – The Best of 2021

Yet another bumper year for new releases by new artists, classic re-issues and comebacks from some old favourites.

Despite what the salivating broadcasters and media will have you believe, there was so much more to the year than a new album by A****e, the banality of which didn’t even register on the gingerquiff seismograph such was its insignificance in the shadow of so much in the way of superb and exciting music that moved me. (Yes, I know she has a great voice, but oh so dull).

Anyway, no more focussing on negatives, There were so many remarkable albums this year that, once again, I can’t narrow them down to my ten favourites, so before I run down my Top 10 albums of the year, here are those…

In 11th Place (in no particular order)…

It was so hard to leave anyone out this year, I have loved records by so many wonderful and diverse bands and artists.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up – 2021 – Part 3

In an attempt to keep up with the number of singles that I’ve been enjoying lately, here’s another Singles Round Up. Apologies to anyone that may have sent me potentially the “next big thing” and I’ve missed it… the big red number on my mail app is currently stressing me out. Yes, I am one of those people, any red numbers against an app on my phone is a no go… I’m losing my email battle though.

Anyway, here are some bands/singles you should check out if you haven’t already…

Jehnny Beth & Bobby Gillespie – Remember We Were Lovers

The former Savages front woman joins Primal Scream’s Bobby Gillespie for this beautifully understated duet, with video produced by ex-JAMC bassist Douglas Hart.… Read the rest

Mogwai – As the Love Continues/Arab Strap – As Days Get Dark – reviews

Scottish Indies

What a week for Scottish independent music. Last week saw the latest magnum opus from Mogwai claim the number one album in the UK, with the magnificence of As the Love Continues This week sees the welcome return of Aidan and Malcolm. Their new masterwork, As Days Get Dark, of course, released as days start to get lighter and we crawl out of the depths and darkness of winter.

Both albums are a joy to behold, music is my solace, no more so than in the last couple of months, and these two albums will be a refuge to raise the spirits in any moments of darkness in coming months.… Read the rest

The Cure Live in Glasgow

Friday I’m in Love… The Cure live in Glasgow

What follows is part social commentary, part mental health awareness and part gig review…

Life’s Rich Tapestry

Friday the 16th of August was a stitching together of several threads of the complex tapestry that makes up life.

I’m sure I’m not alone in having a job that, for the most part you enjoy and get an element of satisfaction from what you do, however, it can be also infuriatingly frustrating and stressful. One that involves weeks where you put in hours of extra effort that involves massive inroads into your personal life. But you do it because it is who you are, you are the type of person who want to do a good job and have a dedication to doing the best you can.… Read the rest