Lambrini Girls – Who Let the Dogs Out – album review

Lambrini Girls first caught my attention with their 2023 single Lads Lads Lads, which spurred me into purchasing their impressive  “You’re Welcome” EP and to take a trip over to Glasgow’s West End to catch the band live in the Hug and Pint. That was where I experienced the Lambrini Girls tour de force in full effect, playing a no holds barred set and laying waste to the heaving mass of bodies in the tiny and very sweaty basement venue. I would defy anyone to have walked away from that gig without a look of euphoric startled bewilderment on their faces and filled with a feeling of solidarity and righteous empowerment.… Read the rest

25 for ‘25

I’ve still to finish several reviews for last year and finalise my best of 2024 lists, but here goes for a list, in no particular order, of 25 music related events, bands, gigs etc I’m looking forward to in 2025…

Tanzana – having witnessed them live for the first time in 2024 supporting Death Valley Girls alongside Junk Pups and being blown away by their performance, I’m looking forward to more from Tanzana including their debut single, Covet, released on 9th January.


Xtro Ghost – Rob and Suze from Diablofurs have been posting clips on socials of rehearsals for songs for their new project Xtro Ghost.… Read the rest

November Singles – Pt 4 – Jody & the Jerms, Lambrini Girls, Joshua Idehen, Dancer, two blinks, i love you, Essential Logic, Sade…

Another eclectic mix for Part 4 of Novembers singles featuring the unmistakable vocal of Sade on a very personal song alongside Essential Logic, Jody and the Jerms, Lambrini Girls, the genus single from Joshua Idehen, two blinks, I love you and yet another release from the hard working Dancer.

Jody and the Jerms – Winter Heart

A swathe of strings from Erica Nockalls on the driving rhythm of Winter Hearts adds another layer to the bands sound creating a song which is both upbeat and vivacious and highly emotive.

Jody and the Jerms

Lambrini Girls – Love

From their forthcoming album Who Let the Dogs Out, Love is a song of two parts one part a seething riot of scathing railing against toxic relationships and one part fun of regret and sorrow as a direct result of being involved in said toxic relationships.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 4 – April

Life seems to have got in the way again, its now June and not only have I not got anywhere near publishing a May round up, April’s has been languishing incomplete and unpublished too…

But hey, its Singles Round Up Part 4! One third of the way through the year already and the great songs keep on coming.

I read something recently commenting on how bad the state of music is these days. I think this must have been written by a person who relies on the charts and certain radio stations for their daily dose of music, or should that be daily doze of muzak, as I’m inundated by brilliant music on a daily basis.… Read the rest

Lambrini Girls & Bin Juice – Live in the Hug and Pint, Glasgow

In a week which ended in a day spent in a sweltering workplace with no air conditioning, a journey home on train full of bams with a lack of any social airs or graces, delivery companies that just don’t deliver, and a thunder and lightning storm that did little to reduce the humidity, I was in need of some light relief. I nearly turned back from the station as I was running late, doubting I would make it in time for the mighty Bin Juice, and I felt like a hideous sweaty mess, even my eyeballs were sweating, and my hay fever was getting the better of me, but I fortuitously looked at my phone to see that Bin Juice stage time was 15 minutes later than I first thought.… Read the rest

Buzz Cutz Pt 3 – Lambrini Girls, Ex-, Big Girls Blouse, Casual Worker – EP reviews

Buzz Cutz Part 3 is the latest in an irregular regular series of short, sharp reviews in an attempt to catch on a backlog of releases…. so without further ado, Lambrini Girls have something to say.

Lambrini Girls – You’re Welcome EP

You’re Welcome is a lesson, nay a warning for all homophobes, transphobes, Terfs, sexists, toxic males, dinosaurs in the music industry, white van men, and generally just those who are too stupid to understand a way of life that doesn’t fit their own narrow blinkered view (case in point, extraordinary single – Help Me I’m Gay)… I could go on, you name it, they’re a target for Lambrini Girls and fuck me, they don’t miss their targets.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 4 – April

Four months into 2023 and the new music keeps coming thick and fast, so much to listen to, so much to love. As usual, there is the evil Spotify playlist at the end, try then buy….

Lambrini Girls – Lads, Lads, Lads

Ahead of the release of their EP, You’re Welcome, comes single number three from feisty punks Lambrini Girls, this time tackling the subject of lad culture and toxic masculinity with great gusto, venting their spleen with impassioned fury. Be sure to catch them when they play The Hug and Pint in June, and if you’re going south for Iggy’s Dog Day Afternoon, get their early to see them.… Read the rest