Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Pt 5

Gates of Light – Advance

An incessant drum beat underlining Louise Quinn’s shimmering vocal gives way to an intense throbbing electro baseline (that somehow gives me 1980s TV show Miami Vice vibes) which gets under the skin as Louise’s breathy dreamlike, almost otherworldly, vocal begins to take hold and give you a woozy spaced out feeling that entrances you and you can’t help but let yourself be taken under its spell.

Gates of Light

Sweet Unrest – How Are You Feeling?

The energy ramps up several notches when Sweet Unrest pick up the baton and runs with it, pounding staccato drums set the furious pace picked up by frenetic guitar bursts, everything coming together like an inescapable burning fireball hurtling towards earth.… Read the rest

Children of Gaza Benefit – Scorpio Leisure, Kirsten Adamson, The Filthy Tongues, The Countess of Fife, The Rezillos – Voodoo Rooms

The last gig of 2024 for me was a late addition to the gig calendar, at a hastily arranged (and quickly sold out) gig arranged by Fay and Martin. I did swither over it, what with getting over bruised ribs and a sprained ankle, the weather being miserable and the thought of getting home afterwards. However, the deal was sealed as the reason for the gig was to raise money for the children of Gaza/Palestine, which, if anyone follows my socials will know is a subject close to my heart. And of course the line-up featured some of the best acts Scotland has to offer…

I’ve said this before, but I think the future is in gigs with loads of bands playing short sets and a quick change over in between.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 8 – September & October

The months are fairly flying by, into the Winter months already, September and October were responsible for another batch of top quality tunes from across a variety of genres as per usual. Maybe you’ll find your new favourite band in amongst this Singles Round Up! I’ve had to admit defeat, due to broken laptops, tech issues, work, gigs, life…. you know…. realistically I am never in a million years going to be able to do an individual write up for each song, so… its just the songs, and some links to the bands socials or otherwise. Apologies, these songs deserve a write up, but just listen and find your new favourite bands….… Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – Live Review, The Gilded Balloon, Patter Hoose, Edinburgh Fringe

Having released one of the standout albums of 2023 and 2024 in Star of the Sea (the album was available last year, but the vinyl launched earlier this year), The Countess of Fife aka Fay Fife of Rezillos fame has built a formidable live band around her in the shape of Willy Molleson on drums (Eliza Carthy), Al Gare on double bass (Imelda May, Jeff Beck), Laurie Cuffe on guitar (Cuban Heels, Vellininios). and on acoustic guitar and backing vox, Kirsten Adamson who has been picking up plaudits herself for her 2nd album Landing Place, including My Fathers Song’s a poignant tribute to her late father.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Pt 1 – January 2023

So much for my plan of being better organised into 2023, Can’t believe we’re nearly 2 weeks into February and I’m still lagging behind…

Anyway, what follows is a list of the songs that have been soundtracking my January, some from the end of December too seeing as how I was TOO organised in December and published my December singles before Christmas…

Ren – Hi Ren

One of the most affecting singles of the end of December/beginning of January is this soul baring song from Ren. Brutally honest about his health struggles the song is a bare knuckle battle between himself and his thoughts, with a sound reminiscent of Eminem and The King Blues, once you press play on the video you will find it utterly impossible to be distracted by anything around you.… Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – Star of the Sea – album review

Those who pledged to Fay Fife & Co’s Kickstarter campaign will be delighted to finally hear the realisation of the fruits of The Countess of Fife’s labours with the release of the CD and digital versions of the album Star of the Sea*, and a launch gig in Glasgow’s Glad Cafe on Friday.

If you haven’t been fortunate to pick up on this project so far from the fireball of frantic energy who is the spirited front woman of the mighty Rezillos alongside Eugene Reynolds, The Countess of Fife is an altogether different proposition from the interstellar punk ‘n’ roll of The Rezillos.… Read the rest