Gates of Light – Gates of Light II – Album Review

If you enjoy the electro-clash synth sounds of Alison Goldfrapp you’re going to love the new album from Louise Quinn’s current project, Gates of Light. And when I say love, you better believe I mean luv, L-U-V…

Gates of Light II from the former A Band Called Quinn singer/songwriter is a compelling listen, at times the smooth electronic rhythms are soothingly hypnotic while later shifting gear into vibrant joy inducing driving beats.

Better Now is a case in point for the former, a blissed out synth driven feel good anthem, just close your eyes and allow yourself to be engulfed with the sonic soundscape and drift off into the ether as the soothing sounds medication to ease the worst of days, before you know it you have surrendered yourself and you are a willing captive to the sublime sounds of I Keep Reaching for the Sun, and despite the bitter cold outside you’re now lying back in the grass, the hazy summer sun forcing you to squint as you drift away into your subconscious.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Pt 5

Gates of Light – Advance

An incessant drum beat underlining Louise Quinn’s shimmering vocal gives way to an intense throbbing electro baseline (that somehow gives me 1980s TV show Miami Vice vibes) which gets under the skin as Louise’s breathy dreamlike, almost otherworldly, vocal begins to take hold and give you a woozy spaced out feeling that entrances you and you can’t help but let yourself be taken under its spell.

Gates of Light

Sweet Unrest – How Are You Feeling?

The energy ramps up several notches when Sweet Unrest pick up the baton and runs with it, pounding staccato drums set the furious pace picked up by frenetic guitar bursts, everything coming together like an inescapable burning fireball hurtling towards earth.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 5 – May

I am so unbelievably behind it’ll be Halloween soon and I’ll still be at Easter… I’m still working month’s behind in singles round ups, and about 6 months behind in album and EP reviews. I’m putting that down to shit like life getting in the way, but I’ll also use the excuse that there is so much fantastic new music out there by bands old and new that I can’t keep up with the sheer volume of music to listen to, which to be fair, ain’t that far from the truth.

My May (yeah I know, May, that was like months ago, literally…) round up follows, as does a playlist of all the songs on Tidal.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 2 – February

February was another formidable month for singles, with the round up for this month including a whopping 50 top tunes.

As usual, I’ve collected them all on a Spotify playlist, against my better judgement, for you to sample should you choose. If you like the songs, go and search out the bands music, buy their merchandise and go to their gigs. It’s the only way to ensure the future of new music and keep music venues open.

Single(s) of the Month

Here’s my top 15 singles of the month for February… at the top of the list and earning the “trophy” for single of the month is a band on the ascendency…

Junk Pups – Trophy Wife

It feels like an age since Junk Pups released their last single, Miss Behave, but have certainly not been sitting doing nothing, gigging constantly, the latest of which was headlining the last night of January’s New Year’s Revolution in King Tuts (review).… Read the rest

Singles of the Year 2023

I have no idea how John Peel narrowed songs down to a Festive 50 every year, he must have received 1000 times the number of songs I receive on a yearly basis. Maybe if I did a Singles of the Year 2023 blog again tomorrow or the next day, things would change slightly as I think of another song that needs to be included, as in the singles round-ups (links to all the round ups of the year at the foot of the blog) I must have listed between 400 and 500 songs this year, another bumper year for new music.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 8 – September & October

The months are fairly flying by, into the Winter months already, September and October were responsible for another batch of top quality tunes from across a variety of genres as per usual. Maybe you’ll find your new favourite band in amongst this Singles Round Up! I’ve had to admit defeat, due to broken laptops, tech issues, work, gigs, life…. you know…. realistically I am never in a million years going to be able to do an individual write up for each song, so… its just the songs, and some links to the bands socials or otherwise. Apologies, these songs deserve a write up, but just listen and find your new favourite bands….… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Pt 7 – July & August

Doubling up for this massive round-up, the last couple of months have disappeared in a flash… Loads of great new music from these summer months. As usual, where available, I’ve added the songs to an evil Spotify playlist for you to sample before you buy… support the artists by buying their music, and merchandise, if you like what you hear.

In no particular order, but kicking off here with the new single from the duo who have given me one of my most unique and unusual gig memories of the year, well, to be fair, probably my life…

The Courettes – Tough Like That

Returning to these shores for the second time this year, The Courettes are currently taking a break from recording their new album with a tour of England, and released a video for their Back in Mono B-Sides and Outtakes track, Tough Like That.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 5 – May

It’s taken me much longer than it should have to get May’s Singles Round Up done. I blame fatigue from the onset of unseasonably hot weather in Glasgow… as well as a general inability to fit everything I need to do into a seven day week.

Apologies to all the featured bands and artists this month for not getting an individual write up, suffice to say, every single song has been listened to and loved. Much kudos to the vast number of great new songs in May from Glasgow/Scottish based bands and artists here. I hate to choose favourites but special mention to “Singles of the Month” from Sacred Noise, Kohla, Pedalo, Parliamo, Quad 90 and Jemma Freeman and the Cosmic Something….you… Read the rest