Never say never, but I’m pretty sure this will be the last singles round up of 2021. Some fantastic songs have surfaced this year. And there are probably even more that have passed me by. Here’s a selection of some of the one’s that have hit my inbox recenty and caught my ear…
Billy Sinclair – The One For You
Billy Sinclair’s latest single is stonking romp of a tune, if there was such a genre as glam country then this would be it. Soulful backing vocals complement the riffing with a catchy singalong chorus which lays out the protagonists case to get the girl…
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Dreamkids – Metamorphosis A/A
Dreamkids follow up the video for the powerfully affecting It Must Be Nice and its focus on mental health with the double A side of their single Metamorphosis We Are Young a compelling grunge tinged emo rock song with a hint of Dolores O’Riordan in the vocals.… Read the rest