f.o. machete – Mother of a Thousand – Album Review

After an extended hiatus of a dozen or so years, the mighty machete returned to the fray in style around this time last year with a live show supporting another legendary Scottish band who had also returned after too long out of the limelight. That show in Room 2 featuring The Hedrons and f.o. machete will live long in the memory, both bands at the top of their game, with The Hedrons celebrating the release of their long awaited sophomore album and f.o. machete quite obviously just stoked to be back playing live. Now it is f.o. machete’s turn to release a new album, their hotly anticipated follow up to My First Machete.… Read the rest

November Singles – Pt 3 – Throwing Muses, Nouvelle Vague, David Delinquent and the IOUs, Sister Madds, Jewel Scheme, F.O. Machete, Scorpio Leisure…

Part three of November’s round up sees the return of Throwing Muses with their first single since 2020, Nouvelle Vague with a festive cover with the rest of part three made up of home grown talent including David Delinquent and the IOUs, Jewel Scheme, F.O.Machete, the band I may have seen live most in 2024, Sister MADDs, and GQ favourites Scorpio Leisure.

Throwing Muses – Drugstore Drastic

Kristin Hersh and co. make a welcome return with the understated Drugstore Drastic their first new music since 2020’s Sun Racket album and precedes a tour in Spring 2025 including a date in The Garage in Glasgow on May 20th.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 4 – April

Life seems to have got in the way again, its now June and not only have I not got anywhere near publishing a May round up, April’s has been languishing incomplete and unpublished too…

But hey, its Singles Round Up Part 4! One third of the way through the year already and the great songs keep on coming.

I read something recently commenting on how bad the state of music is these days. I think this must have been written by a person who relies on the charts and certain radio stations for their daily dose of music, or should that be daily doze of muzak, as I’m inundated by brilliant music on a daily basis.… Read the rest

The Hedrons – Tired of Taking – album launch with f.o. machete

All photos courtesy of Chris Hogge Photography

They’re back. With a huge fuck off vengeance. Who’s that I hear you ask? Well, The fucking Hedrons of course… but, before they utterly owned the Room 2 stage, it was the return of another legendary band to return to the live arena. And what a fucking return it was. 

The band with one of the best names in music, f.o. machete (in its original context, not the family friendly “fresh orange” on their current badges and stickers), tore through their set, laying waste to Room 2 and leaving a scene of joyful devastation, and gobsmacked punters, in their wake. … Read the rest