The Best of ‘24

Life has kind of caught up on me this year and I’ve pretty much missed the boat for “Best of 2024” lists, so this is probably a much abridged version than published in previous years.

2024 was another phenomenal year for music with a myriad of new albums and EPs from bands old and new, a cornucopia of singles (725 in total across the years singles round up playlists (links below)) and a plethora of brilliant live experiences.

For anything not mentioned here, just take a trip through last year’s blogs and you’ll find many other joys to treat your eardrums and warm your souls.… Read the rest

punk and disorderly

Punk & Disorderly – The Dead Thatchers, Trumpton Riot, The Fuck Ups, Smalltown Tigers, Black Bombers, Rancid, Hateful, Ex-, Litterbug, Year Zero.

Punk comes in many shapes and forms, as the Don Letts 2005 documentary attested to, it was never really about a musical “style” per se but as the title of the documentary suggested, it was all about the Attitude.

There was no blueprint about what a punk band should look or sound like, and that message is still relevant today, the spirit being kept alive by those who got, and get, it, although there are those who don’t and never did get it and would have some of their own “heroes” turning in their graves when they demonstrate behaviours and attitudes that are a volte-face from what they stood for.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 4 – April

Life seems to have got in the way again, its now June and not only have I not got anywhere near publishing a May round up, April’s has been languishing incomplete and unpublished too…

But hey, its Singles Round Up Part 4! One third of the way through the year already and the great songs keep on coming.

I read something recently commenting on how bad the state of music is these days. I think this must have been written by a person who relies on the charts and certain radio stations for their daily dose of music, or should that be daily doze of muzak, as I’m inundated by brilliant music on a daily basis.… Read the rest

Ex- – Forewarned is Forearmed – Album review

Fronted by the inimitable Meek, Ex- is a band who have featured on these pages on several occasions previously, their talented lead singer/guitarist/lyricist a prolific writer as well as talented musician.

Meek by name and meek by nature? He may come across as an unassuming and modest character in person, and look at the bands Facebook description, it is the somewhat minimalistic “Band from Scotland”. This is a description which massively understates the depth and quality of the music of Ex-, a punk band at heart – a hint of proto-punk, glam punk, through the gamut of late 70s harmonic melodic pun – but mixing things up and making them their own while, dare I say, interlacing elements of, for want of a better phrase “indie-rock” (the riffs in Gonna Do a Runner have Shed Seven written all over them). … Read the rest

Ex-, 2 Sevens and Buzzbomb – live in Glasgow

Second gig of the weekend, and another first for me, this time around, for whatever reason, it was the first time I’d managed to catch Glasgow’s 2 Sevens live, on a triple bill also featuring Ex- and Buzzbomb.

Currently riding high following the release of their recent EP, 13 (count ’em!), Ex- are always a pleasure to witness live, Colin Meek with current line up, Scott on drums, Dave on bass and Tam on Guitar producing an always sublime selection of first wave of punk influenced guitar band sounds, alongside thought provoking and contemplative lyrics, Meek being a prolific and talented writer also having a wheen of books to his name too.… Read the rest

Buzz Cutz Pt 3 – Lambrini Girls, Ex-, Big Girls Blouse, Casual Worker – EP reviews

Buzz Cutz Part 3 is the latest in an irregular regular series of short, sharp reviews in an attempt to catch on a backlog of releases…. so without further ado, Lambrini Girls have something to say.

Lambrini Girls – You’re Welcome EP

You’re Welcome is a lesson, nay a warning for all homophobes, transphobes, Terfs, sexists, toxic males, dinosaurs in the music industry, white van men, and generally just those who are too stupid to understand a way of life that doesn’t fit their own narrow blinkered view (case in point, extraordinary single – Help Me I’m Gay)… I could go on, you name it, they’re a target for Lambrini Girls and fuck me, they don’t miss their targets.… Read the rest

Bubbling Under

Bubbling Under – 2021 – the Rest of the Best…

2021, despite all the negatives, has been another great year for new music. I’ve already published my Review of the Year/Best of lists. But it would be unfair of me not to highlight several albums that I’ve been enjoying throughout 2021 that I didn’t feature in the top 25 or so in my blog,

As well as the albums I featured in the end of year post, I’ve reviewed and enjoyed albums by Jackal Trades, Mickey 9s, Natalie Pryce, Paul Research, CHVRCHES, Girl One and the Grease Guns, The Graveyard Tapes, Duncan Reid and the Big Heads (Live), Randolphs Leap, Maximo Park, The Telescopes, Edweena Banger, TV Priest, Teen Creeps, Brick Briscoe and Kiwi Jr

This blog is all about the other albums/EPs I’ve loved but never got around to reviewing,.… Read the rest

Ex ExTracts

Ex- Ex-Tracts – The Complete EPs Collection

I have recently been enjoying the new EP from Meek and Mowbray (see last singles roundup I posted), The “Meek” of the duo is the never resting and highly talented CT Meek, poet, author, raconteur, lyricist, musician, entrepreneur, feel free to add your own descriptions to the list. The man seems to have an inexhaustible creative streak, judging by the copious amount of high quality material he endlessly produces. Countless of his own books and now into editing the 14th volume of collaborative book of poems and shorts stories, For the Many, Not the Few.

This work rate is also reflected in the output of the band Ex-, with 7 EPs and an album to their name.… Read the rest

Ex- EP7 cover

Ex- EP 7 review

I’m not sure if Meek ever sleeps. His creative juices seem to flow 24/7 – what with writing many of his own books and compiling the works of others in the “For the Many, Not the Few” series, now onto its 8th volume, the musical output from him (and the rest of Ex- of course) takes some beating.

The latest EP Ex- 7 is a case in point.

The three tracks here are of the now expected superior quality I’ve come to expect from Ex-, their melodic punk/NY garage-rock sounds complemented by Meek’s satisfying rich burr.

Ex- songs always have an intelligent lyric and an eminently memorable refrain or chorus.… Read the rest

Jonzip and Razor Ramon

Jonzip/Razor Ramon, EX- and PowderKeg singles

Over the last few weeks I got my greasy mits on a few new singles/EPs, two from bands/artists I was already familiar with and another from a band who tick all the right boxes in becoming a band I want to hear a lot more of in the future.

Jonzip & Razor Ramon

First up is a new single from the legendary globetrotting Jonzip (of The Zips/Passionate Friends fame). This time feeding my vinyl addiction releasing a new joint 7” release with Portugal’s Razor Ramon (not to be mistaken for the wrestler of the same name).

Three top quality punkobillytastic tracks.… Read the rest