The Carol Hodge Band & Sarah Borges live in The Glad Cafe

I achieved a hat trick of Carol Hodge performances for 2022, covering all bases, Carol solo, Carol with Crass and finally The Carol Hodge Band. I have to say that on a dreich November Thursday, The Glad Cafe was the place to be, amongst friendly faces and a musical welcome that was like a pure shot of Serotonin.

I’ve always been an advocate for turning up to gigs early to catch the support band. You never know what you might miss. I was once lucky enough to see a fledgling Radiohead support Kingmaker in King Tuts. Tonight I was there specifically for the support band, and anything else was a bonus.… Read the rest

Weekend Offenders – a weekend of punk’n debauchery

My creaking bones and tired feet are just recovering from my old folks weekend out (no offence meant to anyone else on the wrong side of 50).

Talking of offence, the weekend offending started on Friday might with a gathering of the usual suspects in the intimate surroundings of McChuills on High Street, for what seemed like the first time in forever.

This is Scotland Calling …

On the bill, two of Scotlands finest exponents of harmonious first wave of punk rock sound, The Zips and Reaction. This was one of several gigs around Glasgow on the eve of Scotland Calling and Record Store Day, triggering conversations around the reasons why bands such as these two are constantly overlooked for the annual punk festival in Glasgow, an ideal opportunity to showcase the best in Scottish punk.… Read the rest

Ginger Wildheart and Jon Poole Tour

Ginger Wildheart/”Random” Jon Poole/Carol Hodge – live in Bannermans, Edinburgh

Being a lifelong weegie, I don’t often venture through to the East for a gig, normally sticking to Glasgow City centre or its immediate environs. However, with no Glasgow date on this tour, I risked a nosebleed and made my way, with my brother, another ginger Hodge (sans quiff) through to my first ever Bannermans gig.

As I thought may be the case, we immediately bumped into another West coaster who had made the trip through and soon, I was bumping into several friendly faces, making the trip worth it before a note was even played.

Carol Hodge

This was a night of firsts, and despite my championing her music for some time, reviewing her albums and interviewing her for the blog, this was the first time I had seen my fellow Hodge live (apart from on several online gigs during COVID – but they don’t count).… Read the rest

Review of the Year

Review of the the Year – The Best of 2021

Yet another bumper year for new releases by new artists, classic re-issues and comebacks from some old favourites.

Despite what the salivating broadcasters and media will have you believe, there was so much more to the year than a new album by A****e, the banality of which didn’t even register on the gingerquiff seismograph such was its insignificance in the shadow of so much in the way of superb and exciting music that moved me. (Yes, I know she has a great voice, but oh so dull).

Anyway, no more focussing on negatives, There were so many remarkable albums this year that, once again, I can’t narrow them down to my ten favourites, so before I run down my Top 10 albums of the year, here are those…

In 11th Place (in no particular order)…

It was so hard to leave anyone out this year, I have loved records by so many wonderful and diverse bands and artists.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up Pt 10

Singles Round Up 2021 – Part 10

2021 is building up to be as big a shit storm of a year as 2020, COVID still looms large, but is quickly being taken over by events in Afghanistan and closer to home, the clusterfuck that is the fall out of Brexit. Hey, but we’ve got blue passports, crowns on pint glasses and are back to using pounds and ounces…

It is with an enormous debt gratitude of then, to all the bands and artists who keep me sane with the music they keep releasing this year. It has been a phenomenal year so far for new music and we’ve still got three months to go.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up

Singles Round Up 2021 – Part 9

2021 has been rammed full of quality new music, so many new singles and ones to fit every musical taste. Here’s my latest round up of the ones that have caught my attention.

And a note to all festival organisers whose bills are crammed with ladrock, there are literally thousands of alternatives out there….

Brat Coven

Brat Coven are a three piece riot grrrl/punk band with attitude form Glasgow. Listen to the lead song on their latest three track single and be in absolutely no doubt that they will accept NO unwelcome advances from sleazy blokes with the uncompromising grunge punk of Not Ur Girl.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2021 Pt 8

Singles Round Up 2021 – Pt 8

This is a singles round up of mammoth proportions. I spent some time scrolling through the wealth of e-mails I received over the last few months, and other singles I’ve been particularly enjoying. 2021 has been a treasure trove of new music across so many genres. Even though this is my biggest singles round up of the year so far, it still only scratches the surface of what is going on just now…

…and then there are all the albums, just recently, over and above the ones I’ve already featured/reviewed I’ve been enjoying the new albums from The Media Whores, monsterpop, The Hurricanes, Jackal Trades, Mickey 9s, Jeshua and The Strays to name but a few.… Read the rest

Carol Hodge

Hodge on Hodge – Carol Hodge – Interview and album review

Hodge on Hodge

The master of the torch song, punk pianist extraordinaire, and all round good egg, Carol Hodge is back. Her new album, The Crippling Space Between has been one of my go to listens over the last while since she gave early access to anyone who had signed up to her Patreon page.

The last time I spoke to Carol was in February of last year before all the shit hit the fan. At that point, I was hoping there would be a real-life Hodge meet up at that years Scotland Calling Punk Festival. She was due to be playing piano and keyboards playing Crass songs with Steve Ignorant.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2021 Part 7

It’s mid July and I’ve got about a hundred reviews semi written, but not finished, so instead of finishing them, why not waste several hours putting together another singles round up while sitting by my home built garden bar drinking some IPA or other..

I’m going to kick off with perhaps my favourite single in the last couple of months, from my most eagerly anticipated album in an age…

Lola in Slacks

Trocchi’s Canal blends the wondrously sultry vocal talents of Lou Reid with Brian McFie’s exquisite guitar playing to create a dark noir pop masterpiece, roll on October for the album Moon Moth.… Read the rest

Albums of the Year 2020

The Ginger Quiff – 2020 review

Albums of the year

2020 might have been a year to forget for uncountable reasons, a year many would rather forget. However, the amount, and quality, of new music that saw the light of day in 2020 was astounding. So much so, narrowing down my favourite albums of this year to a top ten was a nigh on impossible task.

Even now as I have committed to and published this list, I am still making changes in my head. To say that some of these albums were “better” than others would be to dismiss the quality of said albums. Just know that I appreciate and applaud the time and love that has gone into the recording of all of these albums.… Read the rest