Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 5 – May

I am so unbelievably behind it’ll be Halloween soon and I’ll still be at Easter… I’m still working month’s behind in singles round ups, and about 6 months behind in album and EP reviews. I’m putting that down to shit like life getting in the way, but I’ll also use the excuse that there is so much fantastic new music out there by bands old and new that I can’t keep up with the sheer volume of music to listen to, which to be fair, ain’t that far from the truth.

My May (yeah I know, May, that was like months ago, literally…) round up follows, as does a playlist of all the songs on Tidal.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up Part 11 – November 2022

Penultimate round up for 2022…

Klubber Lang – The Sad Professor

Another thunderous behemoth of a tune from Dublin’s Klubber Lang, this time the huge riffs, pounding rhythm and caustic vocals sounding like the bastard child of an unholy coupling between Therapy? and The Fall.

Klubber Lang

Less Killjoy – Sad Girl Suburbia

Sad Girl Suburbia manages to be somehow melancholic and full of rage in equal measures as Less Killjoy releases the last song from her upcoming EP Punk Grenade. The lyrics of this beats led grunge guitar driven song reflects her attempts are trying to fit in while growing up before discovering her own path and sticking a middle finger up to the world.… Read the rest

Brat Coven

Brat Coven, Brenda & Dusk Amadeus – live in The Hug and Pint

My working week last week was bookended by two of the Endless Summer nights in the Hug and Pint, the latter featuring the darkly gothic shoegaze of Dusk Amadeus, the utter joy that is the experience of a Brenda show, and the first headline show for the angry riot grrrl punks, Brat Coven.

Dusk Amadeus

Dusk Amadeus

Events were conspiring to have me miss this gig, having firstly to turn for home realising I’d forgotten my wallet, then eventually getting to the station to discover my train was cancelled. Thankfully though, although I missed the start of Dusk Amadeus set, i did catch the second half.… Read the rest

Review of the Year

Review of the the Year – The Best of 2021

Yet another bumper year for new releases by new artists, classic re-issues and comebacks from some old favourites.

Despite what the salivating broadcasters and media will have you believe, there was so much more to the year than a new album by A****e, the banality of which didn’t even register on the gingerquiff seismograph such was its insignificance in the shadow of so much in the way of superb and exciting music that moved me. (Yes, I know she has a great voice, but oh so dull).

Anyway, no more focussing on negatives, There were so many remarkable albums this year that, once again, I can’t narrow them down to my ten favourites, so before I run down my Top 10 albums of the year, here are those…

In 11th Place (in no particular order)…

It was so hard to leave anyone out this year, I have loved records by so many wonderful and diverse bands and artists.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up

Singles Round Up 2021 – Part 9

2021 has been rammed full of quality new music, so many new singles and ones to fit every musical taste. Here’s my latest round up of the ones that have caught my attention.

And a note to all festival organisers whose bills are crammed with ladrock, there are literally thousands of alternatives out there….

Brat Coven

Brat Coven are a three piece riot grrrl/punk band with attitude form Glasgow. Listen to the lead song on their latest three track single and be in absolutely no doubt that they will accept NO unwelcome advances from sleazy blokes with the uncompromising grunge punk of Not Ur Girl.… Read the rest