The Best of ‘24

Life has kind of caught up on me this year and I’ve pretty much missed the boat for “Best of 2024” lists, so this is probably a much abridged version than published in previous years.

2024 was another phenomenal year for music with a myriad of new albums and EPs from bands old and new, a cornucopia of singles (725 in total across the years singles round up playlists (links below)) and a plethora of brilliant live experiences.

For anything not mentioned here, just take a trip through last year’s blogs and you’ll find many other joys to treat your eardrums and warm your souls.… Read the rest

Autumn 1904 – Tales of Innocence – Album review

This album may have taken 40 odd years to come to fruition, with the band disbanding in 1985 having recorded a session for John Peel the previous year and come so close to signing a record deal, but despite the gap, Tales of Innocence is an absolute triumph, finally bringing together that 1984 Peel Session alongside two long-lost songs and four songs which the band wrote back in the early eighties but never recorded until now. The release of this stunning album finally closes out that circle that was started all those years ago, the story of a band who split before the promise of that coveted record deal was fulfilled, with five of their number departing, three of them going on to form The Crows, finally being told, and acting as a great tribute to one of their missing members, the late Indira Sharma.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 2 – February

February was another formidable month for singles, with the round up for this month including a whopping 50 top tunes.

As usual, I’ve collected them all on a Spotify playlist, against my better judgement, for you to sample should you choose. If you like the songs, go and search out the bands music, buy their merchandise and go to their gigs. It’s the only way to ensure the future of new music and keep music venues open.

Single(s) of the Month

Here’s my top 15 singles of the month for February… at the top of the list and earning the “trophy” for single of the month is a band on the ascendency…

Junk Pups – Trophy Wife

It feels like an age since Junk Pups released their last single, Miss Behave, but have certainly not been sitting doing nothing, gigging constantly, the latest of which was headlining the last night of January’s New Year’s Revolution in King Tuts (review).… Read the rest

Singles Round Up Jan 2024

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 1 – January

A new year for music and (eventually) the first round up of 2024, and what a bumper crop already for January. A massive 62 songs (OK, so some might be from the end of 2023 as I posted end of year posts early…). Anyway, we’re certainly out of the traps and off running at speed, with this list containing some well-kent names, some new kids on the block, as well as the return of some legends. All told providing a wheen of top quality tunes which succeeded in lifting the January blues. If that was January, this is set to be another cracking year for music…

The hazard of deciding to do a monthly singles round up means also trying to find the time to write up the blog… I seem to be caught in a vicious circle of promising myself I’ll spend more time on writing, then disappearing in a world of work, or spending hours overthinking things and getting fuck all done…

I’ve therefore had to make an executive decision.… Read the rest