Good morning from this “wank stain” and my “shite blog”, apparently I’m a waste of “sperm and an egg” but I’m here anyway, so I’ll just have to live with the fact that I’ll have to spend the rest of my life as a “cock”.
Interesting how some people respond to flippant throwaway comments about a band or their music. As if I’d murdered their whole family and pissed on their graves.
I’d seen a few posts on social media about the anniversary of a gig played by Ocean Colour Scene, a band who, from the off, I had no clue why they were so popular. I just didn’t like their music, I found it to be boring and turgid. Obviously they have something and mean something to loads of people, selling out strings of dates in Barrowland and the like. But, god forbid, I should happen to mention that I just don’t get them, I don’t like their music. I know, imagine everyone not liking the same music.
I write and post about music constantly and I’ve never made a secret about the fact that I generally write about the music I love, so apparently that makes me a “wank stain with a shite blog who loves everything to keep people happy” – I mean, I get sent loads of shite music that I could slag off, but that’s not what I do. Life’s too short and I’m not the NME. The comment itself doesn’t make sense, as it was a response to a negative comment I made about a band’s music. And it was about the music, not a personal slight on any of the band in any way… but the scarlet mist descends sometimes…
In a way it’s quite pleasing that the post received the reactions it did. It shows the passion people have about music. I get slagged constantly for some of the bands I listen to, frankly my dear, I couldn’t give a shit. As a few people pointed out last night, using phrases I have been known to use often myself, “life would be boring if we all liked the same music”, “there’s no bad music, only music you like and music you don’t like”, at the end of the day it’s all a matter of taste. I love how passionate people are about the music they love. After all that’s why I write about it, because I love it. Music makes the world go round.
The world is such a fucked up place just now, I only wish people would get so angry and passionate about the things that it is justified to be angry about. The Tories trying to turn the Uk into a police state for a start….
I made another post on the back of the original one, and I was only half joking. I write and post about music all the time. The music I LOVE. I sometimes wish that people reacted as passionately to these posts and started banging on about these new bands so they get more exposure. The exposure they deserve, the exposure that isn’t needed by bands like Ocean Colour Scene who, obviously have a huge, fervent and devout following. I don’t mind people listening to what people term these days as “legacy” or “heritage” acts (stupid fucking pigeonholing as always), I do it myself, but I only wish more people would take a chance on new music, see a band name whose music you don’t know and give the band a listen. You never know you might find your new favourite band, the one that one day you will defend as passionately…
People being passionate about the music they love gives me hope. It pains me despite the very best upbringing that my son (a white middle class Scottish kid !) likes Rap but I love the fact he says he couldn’t live without music, I love the near obsession he has about certain artists and how he wants to play me certain tracks in the vain hope I might like them! I don’t hate Goth Boi Clique / Lil Peep
I respect passion about ANY music, liking ‘anything’ is something different altogether – music is a matter of taste and that suggests no taste at all!
Well said, Ginger One!