A solo penny whistle introduces The Committee to the world before the rest of the band kick in, or should that be shuffle in, on Good Evening Shetland, musically a gloriously louche rambling style, while the song itself is a perfectly executed lesson in laidback rambling, both music and vocal coming together as one like the illicit coupling of The Pogues and Fat White Family with Mark E Smith watching surreptitiously from the sidelines.
The whole vibe of The Committee is one of organised chaos, a seeming feeling of casual nonchalance running through the arteries of the band, but don’t let this fool you, these songs have a bite like an XL bully, once the hypnotic rhythms get you they aren’t going to let go.
The guitar riffs in Oh Sister have a sordidly sleazy Cramps-esque garage rock feel the song reaching a tumultuous almost debauched zenith that I haven’t heard since the days of The Amazing Snakeheads.
Every song on this album is pure gold, each one offering something different, the organ on Long Hot Summer having me yearning for the old days of Adam West’s Batman, while Old Feet offers up a underlying feeling of menace with its backbone of a rakish funk-laden rhythm layered with multi-textured electronic and guitar riffs and a threatening lyric “I’d like stomp on her head, I’d like to slice off his face – I’m not taking any prisoners” – a message demonstrated equally by the unique sounds produced by the band in this album.
Burra is one of the most energetic upbeat songs on the album with a wildly intense refrain with lyrics touching on the Shetland roots of some of the band.
The album is ends all too soon with recent single Trowie Song, ending the album as it began in a folky garrulous manner gathering banjo, mandolin and strings together in a shambolic melodious cacophony of sound, the instruments pausing for an affecting vocal break, before everything comes together for one final crescendo.
The album launch gig was postponed due to Storm Eowyn, and as I type this (on Wednesday) on the train, I’m sure the band will be gathering in McChuills for the rescheduled date. If you’re reading this on Thursday you’re too late but if, like me, you couldn’t make the launch gig, I’m sure you’ll be scanning socials for the next opportunity to see this unique band.