Saturday 23rd October finally arrived. The date for the launch gig for the wonderful album Moon Moth from the alluring five piece that is Lola in Slacks (album review here). It was a busy night for gigs in Glasgow, a most welcome sign given the last 2 years, with the likes of Billy Bragg, Mickey 9s, Calva Louise, The Last Great Dreamers and Powderkeg, amongst others, competing for the ears of the discerning music fans of Glasgow. On any other given day, I could have been at any one of these gigs, but tonight, there was only one gig for me.
The venue was the stunning Centre for Contemporary Arts a venue I’ve not been in for many a year, and one which has many wow factors. The venue wasn’t the only part of the evening that would be stunning with plenty more wow moments to come.
St. Dukes
First up it was a band whose star is most definitely in the ascendency. Lola weren’t the only band tonight promoting a new release, St. Dukes whose star is positively shooting into the cosmos, also have a new single, Animal Glue, also out now on Last Night From Glasgow (as well as a re-release of their Stranger by the Day EP, including 3 remixes of the songs). Look out for their video premiering on Louder Than War at 9am tomorrow…

As the band took to the stage, I was already won over by guitarist/vocalist Lewis choice of attire, a Brian Jonestown Massacre t-shirt. After a slightly faltering start (I’ll put it down to nerves) the band proceeded to raise the roof and lift the spirits of the gathered throng with their uplifting blend of Americana tinged folky blues rawk Things got more and more energetic as the set progressed, band and crowd fed off each other, St Dukes absolutely nailing it and rising to the occasion as their set reached its vibrant and spirited climax. Wow. Expect to see the name St. Dukes writ large in the months to come.
Belonging & Community
Taking an opportunity to nip to the bar between bands, I clocked countless people around the room and made a mental note to seek out say hello to as many as I could before the evening ended. Alas, by the end of the night, time and the sheer number of people meant I missed the opportunity to say hello to many. What I would say though is that since I started becoming slightly obsessed by Last Night From Glasgow and its knack of releasing bloody marvellous records, I’ve also met so many absolutely amazing people, some who I would now be as bold as to say I could count as friends, you know who you are. That is something about this label too, it’s sense of belonging and community. Wow (again). Told you ere were loads of wow moments.
Lola in Slacks
The main event then. As the five band members took to the stage under the most perfectly selected atmospheric lighting for the occasion, the backdrop video started and the band launched into the albums opening track Postscript in Blue, I shivered and a tingle ran up and down my spine. Hell, I even felt a little of the butterflies in my stomach Lou had mentioned feeling earlier in the day. The excitement I’d had, like a wean on Christmas Eve, in the run up to this special gig, nay, event was now materialising in physical form. I was feeling a bizarre mixture of emotions as a smile as wide as the Clyde spread across my face, a lump appeared in my throat and there was nearly a tear in my eye.

I felt as if I had been waiting for this moment for such a long time, all the emotions hit at once. I believe Lou’s nerves had come from the weight of expectation after fans of the bands music have waited so long for this album and subsequent gig. She needn’t have worried. Each member of the band played their part masterfully, coming together as a tight and mellifluous unit to create their unique and charismatic sound. Everything was perfect, and a special mention to Lesley for pulling the bands atmospheric black and white videos, and photographs together to provide an exquisite almost ethereal backdrop. Wow!
Sublime and Gentle Noise
As the band progressed through the album tracks in chronological order, I took time to watch each member of the band do their thing. Each one lost in the moment, fully immersed in their task at hand and creating a gloriously sublime and gentle noise in the process. Special mention to Brian’s elegant new white Gretsch, one of the most beautiful and aesthetically pleasing guitars known to man. In fact kudos to every single band member for their magical and charismatic performances, the audience transfixed by the hypnotic charm of the songs. Lou’s unique honeyed sultry vocal soared through the amazing acoustics of the hall, I’m not sure there is a vocalist around today that has a voice like hers, one that touches every emotion as she sings her heart rending torch songs, and her love songs to Glasgow and Edinburgh.
My tingles returned in force as the bands set neared its apex, with the albums closer and my personal favourite, Strawberry Locks. What is not to love about this epic set closer? A beguiling intro, music that just grabs you and doesn’t let go and a vocal that is like a safe warm pair of arms wrapping themselves around you and giving you that feeling that nothing can touch you. Wow…
Looking around the hall as the band left the stage, I get the feeling I wasn’t the only one feeling that way. And the outpouring of love for the band as they re-appeared to take their plaudits from gathered family, friends and music fans was palpable. This was a night never to be forgotten.
I will hopefully catch up with Lou for an interview soon, even if it is just to give her my album for the band to sign…