Joe Whyte – “I reckon “promoting” is putting a bit of a spin on it! I’m quite good at organising gigs but the pressure and stress of doing them means that once a year is more than enough! There’s a helluva lot of things to consider when you’re putting on a show – backline hire, sound engineer, advertising, tickets, getting people there for the soundcheck and everything else up to and including twisting someones arm to do the door. The expression “herding cats” springs to mind quite often….”
JW– “We’re all acquainted through music before the Tarbeach connection. Danny and I met after we’d both had a similar rather unpleasant experience with a local pretend radio station ran by a bunch of chancers. That’s a story for another day, however.I’ve known The Zips since the 70’s although Jon and I actually only became acquainted in recent times. I sold their first single on Ebay a few years back for a silly amount of money. Wish I’d kept it now; Jon and Phil could have autographed it and doubled the value!The three bands all release our records via Tarbeach NYC which is a cool wee boutique label run by another ex-Airdrie refugee, the very mysterious Walt Watusi. We felt that we should do a gig that runs concurrently with a similar Tarbeach gig in NYC on the same day.We’re planning a radio collaboration too with Danny doing apre-recorded section for DJ Rob Select’s show in NY and Rob doinglikewise for the Testifying Time Show here. It’s kinda like “Live Aid”but with more alcohol and bad behaviour.”
DREAD meets punk rock & back in the garage
JW – “The “Dread meets Punk Rockers Southside” event was a great night. The idea was to try and recreate that whole “Roxy Club” vibe with reggae and dub clashing with cool punk rock. I think the venue were pretty surprised at the turnout – we had about 200 through the door as I recall.It was hot, sweaty and such a good atmosphere. Everyone there seemed to really get into the spirit of the whole thing and the sets from The Minority Rule and Heavy Drapes were brilliant.We played a longer set that normal – nearly an hour. Second song in, a guy who was getting rather high-spirited jumped onstage and rattled my guitar, breaking a machine head and staving my thumb. Fortunately I had another guitar with me. He couldn’t apologise enough, poor guy!The last all-dayer at Broadcast was a charity event in aid of Alzheimer Scotland – my old man suffered from that horrible disease so it was good to put something back. We raised over a grand that night. The bands were all great that day; The Cundeez came down from Dundee to open the show, what a great gesture and External Menace playing their first Scottish show in years; that was really special.Both great nights. Hopefully “Kiss This” can be as good.

andy blade/reaction
Tgq – I know you’ve just announced a gig in December with ReAction supporting Andy Blade (ex-Eater), that will be a great night too I’m sure. What other plans have you got coming up for further events?
JW– We may be opening for The Membranes in Glasgow and Penetration later in the year. We played with Penetration last year, that was a really goodnight. It was our album launch part 2 so we had to be good.
We’re currently recording the follow-up to “Accelerator”- the wheels of Reaction turn quite slowly but thats mostly because we want to make a better album than the first and it’s not cheap to do it properly. We’ve four songs in the bag already – a couple of them are a bit different from the Damned/Stooges vibe of “Accelerator” and I think people will be surprised. Pleasantly, hopefully
Tgf – One last question from me on a personal note – see if you do this again – gonnae avoid the 9th of September (its my wedding anniversary!)? Ha Ha
JW – I’ll see what I can do! It’s simply been coincidence, Neil
Thanks to Joe for taking the time out to speak to me.
Look out for future posts with reviews and features on the bands involved and with Tarbeach Records and Danny Mac on thegingerquiff blog.
Tickets for Kiss This available from Tickets Scotland though at time of typing, I believe it is close to selling out – get in quick. Limited tickets might still be available from Danny Mac or band members.
Kiss This promo video: